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  1. AxeMurderer

    Bug Report Pet Crafting: Tamer Horn Mission typos

    Probably you are tired of me, but here we go again. Few typos here: EDIT: also no waypoint
  2. AxeMurderer

    Bug Report Private 'Snow' Landon probably not resetting

    I know, but I click on blue. It was long reset. I thought most repeatable mission are 1,2,3 or 7 days. Few are like monthly. That's why I was surprised how long it took to reset. And it's not like it is some epic mission. Next time I will time it.
  3. AxeMurderer

    Bug Report Private 'Snow' Landon probably not resetting

    Today it was yellow. May be you guys did something?
  4. AxeMurderer

    Bug Report Private 'Snow' Landon probably not resetting

    Private 'Snow' Landon - Arms Merchant repeatable mission probably not resetting. I did not write exactly when I finished that mission, but I think it was around resource mayhem and it is still blue exclamation mark for me. Near rookie TP.
  5. AxeMurderer

    Cyrene Winter 2024 Preview

    It will be sad only if that hunter is happy to give 2500 PED of basic targeting chips and hunt 100k Protocore points. For the FAP you must become ubercrafter and for the Rucksack - uberminer, but it is what it is. Few years more or less doesn't really matters.
  6. AxeMurderer

    Bug Report Turn-in mission text box too short

    Probably on all turn-in missions text box is too short and "Crystal" looks like "Crvstal" 2:13 mark in the video for example. Not fixed with the last VU. Also every turn-in mission want like 4 text clicks, and when there are 10 daily turn-in missions, it is adding up fast, so if you can reduce...
  7. AxeMurderer

    Bug Report Destroy the Robot Menace wrong waypoint

    Destroy the Robot Menace wrong waypoint
  8. AxeMurderer

    Bug Report Getting slimed! mission text typo

    Getting slimed! mission text typo
  9. AxeMurderer

    Wish List Blueprint with unobtainable ingredient

    I hope I don't sound too negative. I needed Robotics Enhancing Gel for a mission and thought it was not dropping as a BP or ingredients, but now I think it is still dropping, just hard to find.
  10. AxeMurderer

    Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VIII 24/25 uses at lvl 37.2

    25/25 uses per minute at lvl 38 paramedic
  11. AxeMurderer

    Official Cyrene Event Nightmare Nexus 2024

    Cosmetics are worth looting, for some.
  12. AxeMurderer

    Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VIII 24/25 uses at lvl 37.2

    There are guns maxed on dmg on 20 and on hit on 21. It is possible to be that way by design. Maxed on 37 on heals and 38 on uses per minute.
  13. AxeMurderer

    Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VIII 24/25 uses at lvl 37.2

    Not sure if bug or intended. SIB is 27-37. I am 37.2 Paramedic. Maxed on heals, but 24/25 uses per minute.
  14. AxeMurderer

    Buying Sothorite Ore

    WTB Sothorite Ore
  15. AxeMurderer

    Buying Tananite Ore

    WTB Tananite Ore
  16. AxeMurderer

    Gear Up: New Fap - Stage 10 Mission Bugged?

    Have you tried to repair the tool before upgrading it?