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Yeah, I did it. So what?
Hi ya Narfi,, the Arrets are at 138334,76833. They spawn around the whole of the small island.. if there arent any there,, just be patient,, they will come back.


Found em :) thanks guys!

When we first got there, there were hardly any on the island, but with 3 of us skilling the spawn grew fast. (nice feature)
I was disappointed that respect goes up much slower on them than bristlehogs, it will take me a lot longer to tame than on Calypso.


Fate Thanatos Themis
indeed tamming those is a challange lol, or i just had too strong whip? i been killing most of those before they liked me :p


Well... Time = Experiance and skills right :D
Well taming attempts = skills I am looking for, I have plenty of melee skills so don't really need 'noob' level whip skill gains.

indeed tamming those is a challenge lol, or i just had too strong whip? i been killing most of those before they liked me :p
I have been using the Mamba which worked great on Bristlehogs, but is very difficult with the Arrats, I have to let them regen 3+ times before I can attempt a tame, and on bristles I could sometimes even attempt without any regen using the same whip.

I think there are 2 major factors contributing to the difference in difficulty.
1. Respect goes up in much smaller increments per hit on Arrats than on Bristlehogs.
2. Arrats hit faster/more often, and each hit they succeed against you reduces their Respect for you as well.

So basically respect goes up slower and down faster on Arrets which makes them a nightmare for taming :(
If anyone on Cyrene has a whip that is lower damage I would love to buy it from you, I will be online in just over 2hrs for my lunch break :)

Edit: also the more times you have to whip it down and let it regen is more times you get that 'unlucky' crit that kills it.


Yeah, I did it. So what?
I have a Garter, and it works ok, but i still have to let it regen a couple times to get the balance right for taming.