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Cyrene Marketing


The way I've understood it, Cyrene isn't actively trying to bring new players in and won't start till the official release, where most of the bugs have been ironed out and the planet is at their targeted level of quality.
While this does indeed bring up problems to the pioneers of the planet, I think that long term is the right approach to take.
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Active Member
Ok, so what is the latest proposed roll out? How long are we to be hanging like bugs on a pin waiting on them to say ok let's do this?


That is a tough one to answer. Planet Partner updates are modulated by MA, and usually postponed - just like this update that according to both Ark and Calypso officials has been pushed deep into October. Keeping in mind that the live server always seems for some reason to generate more bugs than the test server - probably because all of the updates go live at the same time - and that not all planets are as lucky as some to have instant or next day bug fixes and you'll start to see why schedules keep shifting.

It has been a long ride, but I for one would really prefer Cyrene to do the official launch when its ready, instead of handicapping itself by keeping a release date with an unfinished product for reasons that are out of the dev's hands.
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Active Member
I understand that Manny and as well, appreciate them doing it right, but a rough idea would be nice. A month, 5 months etc, not it WILL happen march 12, 2015 type of thing. More of a, well so far we are shooting for about xxx date instead of a hard commitment.

A status update if you may. Perhaps a general, ok we plan on going live after we get A B and C finished, and so far we are about 80 percent on A, 50 percent on B, waiting on MA to do this and that and 30 percent on C. Would be really nice but then again I understand they don't want to get into very specifics due to various reasons.

Before everyone gets upset, we wouldn't be asking if we did not care.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hello everyone,

I did want to talk a bit about the current and future marketing of Planet Cyrene. In the past during the soft launch we already reached out to a couple different game review sites:

FPS General


Games Radar

These reviews while not overwhelmingly positive did give us some traction with new players coming and seeing what we have to offer. That being said it also showed some of our short comings and bugs that have come different VUs.

As of this VU we have already started to market domestically here in Thailand running TV commercials and have been getting some traction from them.

This current VU that is coming out is precursor to our Hard Launch, and that means we'll be showing off new areas and where / what changes can happen based off player progression as well as working with MindArk to ramp up our marketing for Planet Cyrene.

Our expected roll out for Hard Launch will be Q4 of 2014 where we'll be preparing the following:

- Factions (starting with A.R.C. faction story missions and rewards)
- PvP Mech Battles
- Shops and Apartments
- A marketing plan that will be co-developed with MindArk's experienced marketing manager.

I hope this clears up out marketing and future plans for Planet Cyrene until the year's end.



Active Member
I did laugh at exactly that....., but it came after I saw Q4 expected roll out, with the new-speak-word 'preparing' being used for mech introduction etc, so I was already weakened into a laughter-prone state.

Anyway, please show off "what changes can happen based off player progression", yes...


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

As of this VU we have already started to market domestically here in Thailand running TV commercials and have been getting some traction from them.

links please :D could find nothing via google would be fun to see even in thai.


Yeah, I did it. So what?
Yes,, we want to see commercials.. but ummmmm not Youtube.. i cant get that here in Chengdu :p


Active Member
That would be nice to see. Maybe with this VU possibly but I can see MA shoving it off because they want to get the christmas stuff out in the vu and can see them saying we dont want to do too much at once, or something lame like that.
