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Dev Posts Community Challenge


it seems that this forum format it's a little harder to add a "Dev Posts" link that will search all the official Cyrene Teams Posts. Or even a link just to search each official member separate would be good too.

So i'm wondering if maybe the community could help out? and maybe figure out a work around.

You see i have my site that I like to have all the dev post links on my site so that i can quickly get all the official words on things.

I've been wanting to do a major update too but lack motivation until i get this problem solved.


George Skywalker

Active Member
Probably a good idea to make a tutorial for things like this with pics on where to click. Tutorial should be stickied and linked on front page. Not everyone knows where things are located and even when you do it can be easy to forget.


Staff member
Hey Rex.

We have a similar link on EP for posts made by PPs. Chuck me a PM on EP, and I'll happily supply you with it (keep in mind though that if new PPs arrive, the link will have to be updated).