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Popcorn Factory team hunt- upgrade?


Hello everyone!

So far we have been useing LRS1X1 on these hunts. I know many of you are not low level players anymore, so lately ive been thinking we could do a little upgrade on the weapons we are using, and we try something a bit more exciting, but still afordable for the majority.
Im not looking to make this a constant, rather just a test or one timer, if things dont work out.

So heres what I had in mind:

- Upgrading from LRS1X1 to something that does about 15-20 dps.
Cyrene guns only, so I can loot/buy them on Cyrene, to build up a large enough supply of them for the whole team.
Would like to up the ammo requirements from 50 to 100peds. But not much higher, as I dont know how many would join if we set the reqs too high.
-Mob upgrade.
With a team of 10 and let say 150 dps combined, we could do some bigger mobs as well.

So now I need your suggestions and opinion on the whole thing.

best regards to all, Maj
The first step up is Ozpyn BP S1X1. It has more dps (8.1 vs. 5.3 for LR) and in fact better unamped headline eco (2.875 vs. 2.843 for LR). As a downside, it has smaller range but Popcorn Factory doesn't use range efficiently anyway. Many people already have this one, and crafting it is about as easy as crafting LR.

edit: this is the first and easiest possible upgrade but in longer term I'd rather prefer to take inventory of what UL laser amps usual participants have (I have A101/A102/A103); otherwise, we're running with crap headline eco already, and hunting too big makes bottomline eco even worse.
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tnx for input mate.

I guess we can replace the LR with the BP for the standard hunts we do, dont see any problem there and I welcome the higher dps we get from it.

But still, what you think we should use on "non standard" team hunts I would like to try out?

As far as the amps go, my only UL amp is a104. I think it would be a pain to synchronize a whole team on the amps.
Like I mentioned, this wouldnt be a regular thing now, just something to offer a bit more excitment to the team members.


What days it pretty much depends on various things, we dont do it every day, but perhaps other people will start organizing it when im not online as well.
Usualy we start at about 6 PM in game time, as that seems to be the time when its easiest to get a decent number of players to join, we aim to get atleast 10 people in team, as that number is the minimum needed to go for young-mature mangs.


Well-Known Member
The first step up is Ozpyn BP S1X1. It has more dps (8.1 vs. 5.3 for LR) and in fact better unamped headline eco (2.875 vs. 2.843 for LR). As a downside, it has smaller range but Popcorn Factory doesn't use range efficiently anyway. Many people already have this one, and crafting it is about as easy as crafting LR.

edit: this is the first and easiest possible upgrade but in longer term I'd rather prefer to take inventory of what UL laser amps usual participants have (I have A101/A102/A103); otherwise, we're running with crap headline eco already, and hunting too big makes bottomline eco even worse.
Ozpyn BP S1X1 sounds good to me as well :)