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Wish List Sound Contest...

- All Cyrene vehicles (P.I.G.V., Spear, Lancer, Dragonfly) have default sounds, this will be addressed in a future patch

We are very tired of read this, so...

Why don't you do a contest or event where people are able to design the sounds of cyrene's vehicles...

I'm sure a lot of people here handle sound or music editing programs... and I'm sure we even have someone who uses synths...

Make some rules: use only copyright-free sounds if need for modifing, give a explanation of creative process, do sounds according to the vehicle (land, sea, air), according to the action (landing, taking off, using)... and give some prizes to the most creative, although the best prize would be to see how his work of art is used on the planet...

Could be?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Dante Artorius Inferno,

- All Cyrene vehicles (P.I.G.V., Spear, Lancer, Dragonfly) have default sounds, this will be addressed in a future patch

We are very tired of read this, so...

Why don't you do a contest or event where people are able to design the sounds of cyrene's vehicles...

I don't know if anyone is more tired of this than I am :Cry3: but to be clear there it's a technical issue for applying the vehicle sounds and not an inability to make them on our part :ping:

That being said:

I'm sure a lot of people here handle sound or music editing programs... and I'm sure we even have someone who uses synths...

Make some rules: use only copyright-free sounds if need for modifing, give a explanation of creative process, do sounds according to the vehicle (land, sea, air), according to the action (landing, taking off, using)... and give some prizes to the most creative, although the best prize would be to see how his work of art is used on the planet...

I do think this is a cool idea, I don't know how many players would be interested and what sort of prize they'd want for this but if there's any players who would be interested please post here. I'll talk to higher ups internally about making sure there's no issues.
