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Sticky: Rusty Venture's Tutorials

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Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Tutorials in this section are tagged with a difficulty or information about the type of tutorial. Below is a description of each tag to help you use this section.

[n00b] The mission is able to be completed by players of any skill level, especially players who are experiencing their first moments of game play.

[low] Low level missions able to be completed by players of a low level in skill and PED.

[mid] Mid level missions to be done by players with a decent PED balance and skill level.

[high] Missions that will involve having played the game for an extended amount of time or have purchased high level equipment and gear.

[uber] These tutorials are for the highest level of players who are simply looking for information, these guides will typically be more complicated or simplistic than the rest, often not going into much detail when it is assumed to be known.

[info] An informational tutorial for advanced and basic players alike.

If you would like to add additional tags please suggest them here. For ease of use I would appreciate if you use the tags as well if you choose to make a tutorial yourself.
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