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  1. HaKuRa

    Entrolympic Events 2024

    Caroot pick
  2. HaKuRa

    FIXED Gathering Parts Quest Bugged

    Heya! Checked it out, that mission is still bug as of today.
  3. HaKuRa

    Shops or Apartments

    yes please booths
  4. HaKuRa

    Developer Insights : Booths

    hype!!! ;)
  5. HaKuRa

    Concern about EPIC missions post loot 2.0

    MA write patch note just to say they put clothes on a random naked NPC, i think this mini patch of loot tweak / lazidol change does deserve a post. Help people see things are moving on cyrene! :)
  6. HaKuRa

    a person very concerned about the "COMMUNITY" and the cyrene planet in general

    Really piss me off people spamming the forum and saying the same things over and over about the cyrene community, when infact they talk just about few players. But right you're giving a good image of the planet on your side i see. (ironic). Long players are the problem ? i perso wasn't mean to...
  7. HaKuRa

    Concern about EPIC missions post loot 2.0

    omw to the queen, to see how it drops. Will try again voucher too
  8. HaKuRa

    Concern about EPIC missions post loot 2.0

    [Globals]: Lovely Wandering Bella has found a rare item (Lazidol's Tounge) with a value of 20 PED! A record has been added to the Hall of Fame.
  9. HaKuRa

    Concern about EPIC missions post loot 2.0

    i saw cyrene update like very few MO, so my guess is no mini patch details, just some loot tweak, time to try to loot voucher ;) NI had aswell
  10. HaKuRa

    Concern about EPIC missions post loot 2.0

    did we get mini patch?
  11. HaKuRa

    Trade channels experiment

    I actually decided to use only #cyrenetrade and leave #cyrene-trade a while ago. I don't see the point of having 2 trade channel while most likely 99.99% of people having cyrene-trade have the other aswell :)
  12. HaKuRa

    Bug Report Instance [Cyrene Mission Token] issue

    Hi, I had a issue with the daily jump instance at x101 (aka M.A.R.I.O.V.R) for get x1 [Cyrene Mission Token]. Details: I entered and was like 300m on top of platform, was stuck there can't move, when i "T" i was put back there, i called livesupport who tped inside, and somehow the second...
  13. HaKuRa

    Cyrene Dynamic Upgrade Map and The Next Planet Parter VU

    thank you for all the infos/answers and i'm personaly fine about the booth system :) Just make sure the item isn't tradable or tt-able and is all good. I see some issue with someone forgetting about the item in a booth before date limit though in this scenario. (there's always that guy^^), If...
  14. HaKuRa

    Update on HUB Coat

    cool :)
  15. HaKuRa

    Cyrene Dynamic Upgrade Map and The Next Planet Parter VU

    Amen to that :beerchug:
  16. HaKuRa

    Cyrene Dynamic Upgrade Map and The Next Planet Parter VU

    #hype :) Thank you for all info/update can't wait for the update :beerchug: