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Enkidd Howler S.1


Well, we already have the Plasma Rifle which qualifies as a sniper in its own right, and the rocket launcher too if you want to include that. The Enkidd Howler is the first rifle type sniper i've seen here though, as I consider the HK more of a CQB carbine than a rifle.


if it performes HALF as awsem as it looks ill be selling my marber foxtrot ME tier 2

because i definatly need to upgrade my bait gun

next question
what can i upgrade my maddox 4, tier 5 to???


Fate Thanatos Themis
Vida is the scientist who has to find a cure against the mind-control drink mentioned in the story 'Cyrene - Secrets and Covert Operations' by MindStar9. Vida's father has a corporation called Enkidd who delivers weapons for the S.O.R. (Sons of Remus).

This is one of the upcoming new sniper weapons on Cyrene; Enkidd Howler S.1 =)

Can u tell us it this is Unl Hunting weapon, just L, or even HUB gun, please?
