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Special Missions locations with parts

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Travelling through time...
Same deal as it is with Need of Salvaging missions.

The same with this list as it is now with Need of Salvaging mission, I can send you this list ingame with working coordinates so you don't have to waste time adding waypoints manually. Remember that you can only have 10 waypoints in the map at a time. See this post if you want to know how it works.

Players who can send the list upon request:
Sniper TunerS Eagle
You can PM any of these players in order to receive an ingame e-mail with this mission list.

NPC: James Williams - Abstruse Seeker - [138850, 77075, 115] (near A.R.C. Staging teleport - [138801, 77071, 112])

Special Mission: Weapon Parts
Weapon Barrel: [132195, 75205, 99]
Weapon Frame: [133436, 77899, 100]
Weapon Output Generator: [136350, 77847, 155]
Weapon Fire Rate Controller: [136556, 79243, 110]
Weapon Ammo Supercharger: [133176, 79895, 100]​
Reward: Ozpyn Chon Blueprint (L) 10 Clicks

Special Mission: Armor parts (INCOMPLETE - 2 (3?) PARTS MISSING!)
???: [133159, 78432, 124]
Armor Chest Piece: [135798, 79535, 111] by Haruto Rat
Armor Foot Piece:
[136140, 79236, 110] by Sluggo
Armor Thigh Piece:
[138095, 76646, ???] by Haruto Rat

Special Mission: Clothing Pieces
Shoe Piece: [138490, 77471, 101] Bugged
Shirt Piece: [137595, 76882, 99]
Pants Piece: [135530, 79965, 146]
Shirt Piece: [136074, 79943, 110] This one counts as Shoe Piece and mission can be completed! by Falagor
Reward: Imperium Common Shirt Blueprint (L) 10 Clicks
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Dave Neuromancer
Missions now available from broker James Williams at 1x101 tp. Find weapon frame, barrel, ammo supercharger,output generator and fire rate controller. Second mission is to find 3 clothing parts shirt, pants, and shoe.

You have to be within 10m or so to see the items.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Found this while exploring, its for the special missions armor.
PRINT SCREEN 2013-06-28 12-51-15.jpg

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Today an mysterious young explorer came up to me with a piece of paper with a specific coordinates on it, as I took the bait like a kid in a candy shop I immediately dropped everything and went to take a look.

What you know one more piece to add to the Special Missions (Clothes), Thanks to "Alex Rizen Demour" for giving Me a clue to where this sucker was at!

PRINT SCREEN 2013-06-29 21-53-56EDT.jpg

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Aha! after hours of searching and re looking in the areas that been looked already, the final piece to the Special Mission (Clothes)! Thanks to Proxy as he helped narrow down the search.
PRINT SCREEN 2013-07-01 6-19-45.jpg

P.S. Reward = Imperium Common Shirt Blueprint (L) 10 Clicks

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Well today was interesting, Not only did the Special Missions (Clothes) get done. But 2 young explorers came up to me today and gave me coordinates for 2 different Special Missions (Armor) Parts. What joy did it bring my ears as you can see the community is getting together!

This first part credit goes to "Alex Rizen Demour":
PRINT SCREEN 2013-07-01 7-12-41.jpg

and lastly This credit goes to "Liewen Vuk Carmolde":
PRINT SCREEN 2013-07-01 7-7-55.jpg

Good work Guys :) time to get the last parts of this done so we can get to more important things!
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