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Wish List Taming Iron Mission (Arrets)

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
just another random thought entered my head this morning while brainlessly killing Pedes (50k mission). Arrets don't have a mission, which I thought the tamers would like taming Arrets towards a iron mission system, Then I thought why not a full taming mission system?

Normal Cyrene iron system: 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 9000 Tames
Now depending on the limitations of the EU mission system I thought of the current ways to count
  1. Normal Way, successful Tame or Kill adds to count
  2. Count only increases when recycled in the Stable
  3. Counted like MM, Gold rush. 1 point per Arret pet received instead of the point tokens
  4. If its not possible to count like 2/3, an npc could be added who gives a count for each arret pet handed to him, and a essence is received to cover the pec you would usually get at stable

Each stage would either give skills related to taming or maybe a pet that can be lvl'd up like the refurb fap
This would pull tamers towards Cyrene as
  • there is no mission like this anywhere, with taming skills would be a big pull
  • This could power our Stable here too
Tokens could be given out for daily taming missions, perhaps a token trader could be added at the stable (or next to it), tokens can be traded for Whips, Brushes, Rare Pets, Food & More.

I admit i'm no tamer, I've tried it once when I had rusty's whip, so I can't talk for the tamers but..... I feel this would be a massive pull for them, especially if rare pets with good buffs are added to either the token trader or into spawns, add UL whips and your golden.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
I WISH!!! Sadly it is not possible to have a taming mission, as taming does not count as kills. Remember the whole Wolpertinger issue? Well, it might be possible with changes, but MA would have to make them not Cyrene so it's not happening soon unless the whole universe gets them sadly.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
I see an Arret tame doesn't count towards test of faith, so yeah that takes option 1 off the list. but options 3 and 4 might be possible still tho

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
It would have to be given out when they are exchanged for essence, otherwise it could be abused and multiple people could get the point without the >50% damage point system we have, but I like the idea and it would work easy just to give out a 'token' with essence for the arret or any pet.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Can we have a taming iron mission? I know we have the 2500 one for the coin but I am talking like:

"Tame 100k any pet" mission. that is bigger but maybe not quite part of an epic chain