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The Duke Wave Event


Travelling through time...
All the information about this wave event.

Location is SE from High Desert teleport. It is about 200m away from tp.

Coordinates for wave area: [137917, 79373, 180]

Each wave spawns 30 creatures, except BOSS wave where only 1 creature is spawned. As long as there is at least 1 player in the wave area, the wave will not expire (there is no time limit to finish a wave). Once the final boss is killed and WAVE 9 is completed, a new event will start in ~15 minutes starting with WAVE 1 again.

List of all waves and mobs in them:

WAVE 1 - Prime (140HP), Poison (150HP) and Ravenous (350HP) Swamplurkers
WAVE 2 - Gatherer (400HP) and Guardian (600HP) Merfolken Spearmens
WAVE 3 - BOSS - L53 10'000HP Epic Jellyworm
WAVE 4 - Delta (1030HP), Epislon (1110HP) and Kappa (1600HP) Zeladoths
WAVE 5 - Old (1000HP) and Provider (2000HP) Tide Claws
WAVE 6 - BOSS - L88 20'000HP Epic Zeladoth
WAVE 7 - Young (1600HP), Old (1900HP) and Guardian (2000HP) Mang Changs
WAVE 8 - Provider (2000HP), Guardian (3000HP) and Dominant (5000HP) Tide Claws
WAVE 9 - BOSS - L85 10'000HP The Duke
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Travelling through time...
Pretty sure wave 8 is more then 30 creatures.

The event restarts 15 minutes after completion.
Added information about 15 minutes cooldown between events. Thanks.

Should probably try to count them again but I ended up with an approximately 30 creatures per wave for now.


Travelling through time...
[Globals]: Team "(Shared Loot)" killed a creature (Epic Zeladoth) with a value of 257 PED!
[Globals]: Kris Kristoliquid Michaud has found a rare item (Xent Tech Light Rifle X2) with a value of 18 PED! A record has been added to the Hall of Fame.

Gratz! :)


Well-Known Member
I would say my experience about this wave event.
I like it, but i want to see a new mob on it, i mean not usual mob. Cyrene is small and we do always the same mob. For this event it will be better if we can hunt some new mobs. Boss are good, just put some special normal mobs with special loot table. I think more people will do the event.


New Member
Did this wave event twice this weekend; and it sucked; big time. Twice we killed the Duke and twice it was less than a global. This is starting to remind me of the Calypso Husk event. To complete this wave take quite a lot of time and far to many peds; to then not return any of them sucks big time. Really thinking about whether I should stay on Cyrene - despite it having a great group of really helpful people.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

All the feedback on this wave event is great and we'll tweak it as much as we are able to.



Well-Known Member
Actually there is not alot pple do it. Why ? Because they think they can't win something good. Why players do a weekly Rextelum event ? Because the Boss can sometimes give a big Hof. Why players do every week King Kong ? Because there alot rare loot on them and sometimes they gives a big Hof.
I think the boss from the cyrene wave event should be harder. I mean the epic jellyworm is ok, but the epic zeladoth should be a Level 250 and finally The Duke should be a Level 500 or more. I think more players will do them more than now because sometimes a big hof can come :)


Sandal San Tolk
I haven't done this one yet but actually I appreciate that there is some range in this type of events, too. Kong and the rest are great, but it's a massive effort for teams or even large crowds, and if you're not in the top tier yourself all you get to do is help with the damage so someone can win these items. Wave events which can still be managed solo should also exist, and this looks like one (depending on what damage the boss mobs deal, regeneration rate and possible time-out). Of course it hurts reputation when returns disappoint too often, this has happened on other planets, too.

If there is no way to suit everybody, why not take an example from Arkadia's instances? The Aakas and underground vault keys offer a series of similar challenges for every player level. Put the wave as above inside one, add some higher and some lower ones, have a mode each for solo and team. No need for inventing yet another key token, there are so many already which could be used for entrance.


You had me with bacon
Haven't been on Cyrene for some time, but gotta say this wave event looks really cool on the paper at least.
I like that there are 3 bosses who all have hof potential.


Well-Known Member
Yes we like "potential" thing :D
By the way, is it possible to change the wall ? I mean the color ! This is not beautifull :)


You had me with bacon
So.. I tried the wave event the other day. Solo, which was a really really bad idea, lol. Anyway, thoughts:
*Agree with Justine: The wall screams of lazy, uninspired designing.
*It takes a long time from having finished a stage until the countdown to the next stage starts.
*Got ~8 ped from the jellyworm. A 10k hp boss, and 8 lousy peds? Really?!
*The wave timed out before I managed to kill all the tide claws. Probably for the best, as the next boss would've been too tough for me anyway.
*Didn't get a single global. Big disappointment, bigger loss.
*Some tweaks and adjustments will make this event a welcoming addition to Cyrene :)
Just a random thought... How about having different difficulty scenarios depending on HP, highest professional level or some other general characteristic of the avatar who enters first and triggers the spawn?

That way, when we can't gather enough people for the standard event, we could send in some OJ in to trigger an easier one. On the other hand, ubers could trigger a harder one, should they so wish.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

This is our first wave spawn and we'll keep working to improve it.

All the suggestions and feedback are noted and appreciated.



Sandal San Tolk
Trying to gauge the budget needed to play this through.

Counting together the total hp to take down from the table above, they amount to 225,100 taking all minimum maturities, and 386,500 all maximum, giving an average of 305,800. Reckoning with 2.5 dpp to include defense and all other costs, a total of 1223.2 PED has to be cycled, or freed in advance if the plan is going through without tt'ing stuff.

Is this about realistic?