Rusty Venture
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Still no drops spawning here. I am at the spawning token. There is also a terminal that doesn't do anything floating in the middle

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Sorry for the rant
How can devs for Cyrene still not know what needs to be switched on where by someone at MA? I know there can be different levels of software and access rights, but as I have written before, this repeated waiting for switches/flags to be set is ridiculous. AND it should not be a task allocated to the practical student coming in at Easter, or whatever!!!
Hey guys,
I have already notified MA about this, as this is working perfectly in test:
View attachment 2862
I want fly mode on![]()
Thanks Lilmc and Kris for those two replies!
Ok, let's try and take this further. The tests are on a separate server which can use various new test versions of EU, yes? This allows you to develop terrain, buildings, NPC placement, mission logic, possibly simulate spawns and behaviour, but I presume nothing loot related. I imagine you also get to work on new platform features to set them up for Cyrene before they go live.
Without wishing to ask for too much info, I am assuming that you have designed this oil spawn, maybe including the ability to set the spawn refresh variables and size range of the drops on your test server at least, but maybe these are also things you need (by design) MA to approve and add in to the live environment at whatever time.
Errors could thus arise during a copy/paste exercise by MA, or there could still be important differences between testing versions and live. There have been loads of little problems with terrain and building positions where it would be nice to know where the real problem lies...
Anyway, we all know that some content (NPCs, access to instances etc) can be quickly added and removed by MA if necessary without needing a vu.
This is also perfectly good and sensible that areas can be shut down if there is a big problem, but I think MA really need to be pushed to improve how permissions and rights are handled. At the moment it is lose/lose/lose and if anybody somewhere thinks it is win/lose/lose and is happy for things to stay as they are, then that is a bad sign.
I noticed fly mode too, but did wonder what a speed limit of zero might imply...
View attachment 2865
Kris! When you said it wont be a token spawn.
I couldn't imagine anything worst than tokens.
But here we go 1 thousand part of a token that has very limited use on the planet (Vendors still empty on live server).
That's the biggest waste of terrain Cyrene team ever did.
-Waste of terrain
-Waste of time
-Waste of ammo (if you stupid enough to pk there)
-Waste of fuel to get to the spawn from near by TP.
-Big offense to all the players who waited with months to see this piece of... a token lol lol lol
This will kill the hub.Hey guys,
Reward Token (Lime Green)
This will kill the hub.