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Recent content by Dante Artorius Inferno

  1. Dante Artorius Inferno


    only someone pick my account and do spam, so i edited and erase the original... lol...
  2. Dante Artorius Inferno


  3. Dante Artorius Inferno

    que pesados estos hackers

    yes, i am, not a chineese hacker, lol
  4. Dante Artorius Inferno

    que pesados estos hackers

    como consiguen las cuentas? lol
  5. Dante Artorius Inferno

    Entropia Planets

    whats this Entropia Planets? Seriously, first time i hear it...
  6. Dante Artorius Inferno

    Bug Report June 11th, 2024 Official Bug Report Thread

    And how to take missions? Zyn beside the crystal entrance not work, and 3 zyn more in dungeon not work too... or there is another NPC?
  7. Dante Artorius Inferno

    HI. After two weeks MA still hasn't responded. My problem is the Fapper, which I already had...

    HI. After two weeks MA still hasn't responded. My problem is the Fapper, which I already had with the health buff (mission VI? I don't remember) and I don't understand how an unique article is TT-able. In DSEC9 the same thing happened with an item; but DME managed to give me another one (I was...
  8. Dante Artorius Inferno


    A week ago my account was hacked, and they took everything from me... The funny thing is that most of the things were at 0TT and were the result of unique missions, like VIVO or Calypso's Bukin... and that includes the Fap, which was at level VI or VII, I don't remember... Well... being a...
  9. Dante Artorius Inferno

    Planet Cyrene Quarterly Player Loading Screen Submission

    mmm... Kris, some PEDs is not bad, lol
  10. Dante Artorius Inferno

    Entrolympic Events 2024

    More Fruit!!! 65 Caroot from Dante Artorius Ínferno
  11. Dante Artorius Inferno

    Planet Cyrene Quarterly Player Loading Screen Submission

    "A Hidden Secret stay in Turrellion Docks...
  12. Dante Artorius Inferno

    Entrolympic Events 2024

    Name: Dante Artorius Inferno Raider of the lost Caroot, lol Only 23... for now...
  13. Dante Artorius Inferno

    Wish List New Vehicle...

    So far there are only two vehicles capable of traveling between planets because they have the right socket for the space truster... It's time for Cyrene to have her own... The existing model as a simple atrezzo may be valid, but two important questions arise: -Is Cyrene's plans to have a...
  14. Dante Artorius Inferno

    Planet Cyrene Quarterly Player Loading Screen Submission

    "A path of strange insect-shaped drawings leads us to the Tanhok trail..."