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Recent content by Jeanni

  1. J

    Wake up

    that u have been sleeping doesnt mean that all others have not been active too :-)
  2. J

    Requesting help with the epic tanhok chain

    last drop confirmed that they have an hard Limit. the guy who used his one went to hunt the Mobs, and looted the amber back shortly after he used it. this really sux, and proves also what i did read lately in some other Forums about loot and hard limit of some stuff... a Mission that requires...
  3. J

    Mindforce A quarter to Uber reached :)

    GZ then !!! :-)
  4. J

    Stats of S1X4 and HK S1X1

    Thx alot. already forgot its still there :-) missing the BLP gun, but at least the Laser one is in the list.
  5. J

    Stats of S1X4 and HK S1X1

    Hi all, did anyone ever do a fruit test with one of the guns that drop of Epic Mission Tanhok Ambassador ? Would be interesting to know the stats to make a selection. or Kris, can u tell us the exact Gun decay per shot ?
  6. J

    Mindforce A quarter to Uber reached :)

    Sweat Gatherer Level 25 ??? dunno if i should say GZ or my Condolences :)
  7. J

    Requesting help with the epic tanhok chain

    thanks alot, Kris !!!
  8. J

    Requesting help with the epic tanhok chain

    Kris, u mean ALL Mobs in Epic Mission Part 2 ? Or does that mean only Mobs at Stage 2 (Merfolken) can drop it ? Rumors say ppl got it on other Mobs, but nobody ever during the Mission chain ?!? Can u please be a lil more exact here ?
  9. J

    How Cyrene is heavily exploited

    why so frustrated ? what secrets do ppl have ? u can ask me anything, and i will tell u what u want to know... atm i just see u bitching around without asking or sharing anything. the 45 min timer is wide known now. WSS ppl and a few other guys loot up to 2000 ped MU DAILY !!! at Crystal...
  10. J

    Buying Tanhok amber

    ... as the Name says... want to buy one. Send me offers here please via PM or in game. tyvm
  11. J

    Requesting help with the epic tanhok chain

    Obviously not in the 1500 Mobs that each of us had to shoot :-(
  12. J

    Official Cyrene Event Turrelia Rifts: Turrelion Zeladoth

    not true... i do L55´s solo... get armor, get a gun, and start skilling... thats the secret. and till u are strong enough, a fapper does the trick too :-)
  13. J

    Official Cyrene Event Turrelia Rifts: Turrelion Zeladoth

    yes. Ozpyn Force + Pulsar or 5 B works well. (but also gets eaten up fast)
  14. J

    Official Cyrene Event Turrelia Rifts: Turrelion Zeladoth

    only u are crying here cause of Mobs that have 1500 !!! HP. at other planets, Event Mobs have 50.000 HP, or even more. and ppl loose one K ped Shooting each of them. BUT... those Mobs loot unique and nice stuff. thats the deal. As far as i can see, those Event Mobs loot ONLY clothes. If u like...
  15. J

    Official Cyrene Event Turrelia Rifts: Turrelion Zeladoth

    i dont get why u complain... u got all the clothes not because the Mobs was too big. u got them cause the others dont like the loot. If an Event mob Drops good loot... we will hunt it at all Levels... but really... what sense does Event Mobs with 300 HP have ??? thats not a challenge. fyi: i...