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Recent content by Karmic

  1. Karmic

    Entropia Universe News Entropia Universe Release Notes

    Caused an issue with the refurbished H.E.A.R.T so it no longer can be used while the buff is active
  2. Karmic

    Is Cyrene becoming dead? or alive?

    I'll run it as soon as I'm back, lets see if there is anything in the VU ;)
  3. Karmic

    Wish List Ecotron camping - The problem/improvements

    An abundance of user bound items is an economy killer. It broke the economy way back in the everquest days and has done so in games ever since. Just look at the problems being caused by the upgraded viceroy. Being only able to acquire one per avatar is a much better solution than making it...
  4. Karmic

    Notification: This is an alert from the emergency broadcast system

    If it's an hour or a weekend I'll miss it. If it's a week long I'll be there! Hoping for a week or more of course!
  5. Karmic

    Ecotron v.15e

    each person should only be able to buy the unlimited version once regardless of the refresh rate otherwise bot army will be standing there 24/7
  6. Karmic

    Selling Scout bot loot (mostly)

    sent PM in conversations
  7. Karmic

    Planet Cyrene - October 2016 Update

    Hard launch will need a change in a lot of the cyrene blueprints too. I don't know if anyone clicks on most of this stuff considering the ingredients and in the past couple years since they were weapons, for example on other planets have gotten a lot more eco. I just looted a blueprint that as...
  8. Karmic

    Hunting Rhyncho Bird in Skull Bird spawn(s)

    What? nobody remembers griffons in EQ?
  9. Karmic

    Upcoming March vu

    Unfortunately for him, his suggested name of "RustyVenture AndtoalesserextentGiselaDawes" was too long to display on the npc.
  10. Karmic

    Cyrene through the eyes of a newbie player

    That one's repeatable, just do it 10 times and it'll feel like a 1000 kill iron mission.
  11. Karmic

    Cyrene Dynamic Upgrade Map Discussion

    So they are..... Up Tempo? Get release out fast I wanna come back!
  12. Karmic

    New Zeladoth mission

  13. Karmic

    New Zeladoth mission

    Do the zeladoth males count for the zeladoth pandemic mission? I don't have a counter for the pandemic so I can't check it myself.
  14. Karmic

    Cyrene Dynamic Upgrade Map Discussion

    Yes, has what we've done so far been counted or if not, when will the counting start? Is it possible to recognize the top X contributors to an area? It doesn't need to be more statues, could just be a text on an item or npc somewhere. Maybe a small personal estate for really big things!
  15. Karmic

    Bug Report October 22nd 2014 Bug Report

    mission counters are still missing for the ones i had a while back, is there any way to fix that? I'm still scared that kills aren't being counted.