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Recent content by Kenny

  1. Kenny

    Where is The Economy?

    Yeah...i agree...it would be totally reasonable imo to remove all items from TT now...leave ammo in there maybe, but remove all the rest what decays...on top of that remove readymade items from mob drops, so only materials or maybe unique items drop. the game is established...no need for TT...
  2. Kenny

    FIXED Stuck after revive

    I remeber having that stuck problems on Next island teleporters...one way to get unstuck was hitting T and wait 60sec...another way was spawning a vehicle closeby and enter it leaving the stuck status that way, if you cannot spawn it, just drive it there and leave it spawned, that works 100% i...
  3. Kenny

    Where is The Economy?

    Yes Growth :topsecret: Its kinda like in the real world...the whole market is based on steady development and growth...specially the low MU stuff that drops everywhere is crafted for dropping new BPs not the items comin out of it. So i read on other forums that all that new content is too...
  4. Kenny

    Where is The Economy?

    Well Economy is not for everyone imo... The current state seems like this: Standard low end BPs should be easy to click, but so far the imperium TT BPs are kinda not worth it since some materials are extremely rare and not worth the click for an (L) low end gun for example. The reward BPs from...
  5. Kenny

    team swunting exploration initiative

    yeh...a sweating group aye i would recommend the dire weed for a group sweat...nice HP low attack...not sure if it would be reasonable to swunt on those since it seems like a gambling mob - then again what is not a gambling mob these days ;) Donno all mobs around though something similar to...
  6. Kenny


    That sweat should sell at least for 2PED per 1000bottles you may be able to get more depending who you deal with. Sweating helps for getting first defense skills, so even if that does not turn out to be your first and only income it may be worthwhile to sweat a lot at the very beginning ;)...
  7. Kenny

    Need of Salvaging locations with parts

    Well thx guys for supporting all that info :) Checked it and found it all clicked it and got what i paid for...good community here
  8. Kenny

    Mining where to find Crystals ?

    Thx for that kind offer chief, will definately take that opportunity once we decide to really move here soon :) lyst and oil...lyst and oil... :banghead:
  9. Kenny

    What should Cyrene focus on next?

    Well my short experience the last days - totally different for what i seen in summer btw - is that there is really NO need to implement new stuff now, but more fixing the issues that are up already! Materials that are needed in basic crafting have to drop, that is the most important issue by...
  10. Kenny

    Mining where to find Crystals ?

    Ok so i am back on cyrene now, trying to figure if its working so i can bring my soc here for vacation... First thing i figured is that mining seems indeed kinda not good to me. I am by far not the most experienced miner in the game but i would think with a standard low lvl finder and 100 drops...
  11. Kenny

    Hide Armor Plate (L) Blueprint (L) 100 runs on auction

    I would certainly be available for questions and also open discussions on the economy of a fresh planet... Being a "pioneer" was always a hard days life...getting products in the wilderness is not supposed to be easy after all...however providing these goods deserves compensation, it will be the...
  12. Kenny

    Hide Armor Plate (L) Blueprint (L) 100 runs on auction

    Hmmm...gratz for discovery! Heres my little story...seen people trading those tokens on auc for 15000% alright...so 100 tokens are 75PED - so far so good. 10 Tokens are needed for an armor mold for example...one crafting click on a scout armor piece needs 2 molds already - thats 14 PED...
  13. Kenny


    65PED Yellow Crystal is mine XD (F102Finder Tier III with depth enhancers) according to Entripia Life this is actually the first global on yellow crystal...who knows if thats true ; )
  14. Kenny

    Bug Report Swamplurkers

    Swamplurkers still become invisible...and though they are "targeted" often was unable to hit em. killed now 600 of em - very annoying when half the time you have to jump to be able to hit an invisible creature! I definately wont do the 1k challenge until thats fixed : ) i understand also that...
  15. Kenny

    Little BP Grinding

    though its not the biggest discovery in the universe so far...ehm heres what i got the last days...all components but hey, someone has to do it ; ) A.R.C. Wire Harness A.R.C. Wire Harness Blueprints (L) Robotic Enhancement Gel Ferguson's Refined Amalgam Blueprint (L) Ferguson’s All Purpose...