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Recent content by Menace

  1. Menace

    Bug Report Sweatsploiting Weeds

    Seems the weeds (Mature Dire Weed) get "stuck" behind valkyrie cars but don't go "un-reachable". Easy sweating... which I don't personally have a problem with... but I'm sure it's not intended. Sorry if this has already been posted somewhere. Menace
  2. Menace

    The Planet Cyrene TEN Edition - Hub Encounter

    Well then why don't we just dump the TEN items in menace's next loot and we'll call it "Cyrene's Make Menace Happy TENfold Event!" Menace
  3. Menace

    Mining Rare Resources

    Sure Kris! First off.... "SOOTO" = "Something Out Of The Ordinary". Shows up in light pink chat along with your mining finds... ie: "You have claimed a Resource" "You have found something out of the ordinary!" Calypso chooses to hand out it's robot beacons this way (And always has, though...
  4. Menace

    Mining Rare Resources

    I was kinda leaning more towards SOOTO's. Kinda worded things wrong. I mean Caly has it's beacons, used to have UL mining gear, angel scales (not sure if cyrene has those but if it does it don't have any BP's requiring them as of yet). I just think that a small bump for the miners would be nice...
  5. Menace

    The Planet Cyrene TEN Edition - Hub Encounter

    Are they still talking HUB event for TEN? If so..... I'M DOOMED! ROFL! That increased run speed just donkey fucks me in there. ROFL I'll try though... assuming I'm not spending 25k PED to attempt something I can in NO WAY accomplish. lol Menace
  6. Menace

    Hey Kris.. wanna do a favor?

    No doubt Cyrene needs some adjustment. I just think that Tide Claws DON'T... reason.... they don't pay out profit anyway. They're a cash cow mob. HOWEVER... They do have potential to drop 100k ATH. So THAT is why they're hunted. IMO Uber HP noob mobs that noobs can hunt is serious profit for ANY...
  7. Menace

    Mining Rare Resources

    Not much of a miner myself but figured today I'd try some mining on Cyrene. I'm finding the terrain quite inhibiting as it's very mountainous. For this reason I think it's time Cyrene implemented it's own "Rare Resources". Mining can be tedious on Cyrene and the full time miners should be...
  8. Menace

    Hey Kris.. wanna do a favor?

    Yeah you're probably right. When Menace hits an 800 ped brain oil HoF while it took some uber all day to stack 400 ped of it I could see why theyd complain. The only problem is... they jump to conclusions! "Hey he doesn't deserve 800 PED of brain oil!" They are completely oblivious to the fact...
  9. Menace

    Hey Kris.. wanna do a favor?

    Well I do have alot of respect for Agis. He's a Cyrene pioneer as well as long time and well respected Entropian. He's also got very respectable skills/gear and is one of the few Cyrene citizens that can hunt MOST mobs here. I value his input but in this particular case.... I disagree. If it was...
  10. Menace

    Hey Kris.. wanna do a favor?

    Well their super slow speed has been this way since day one. Many VU's have passed and nothing's been adjusted.... evidently Cyrene intended on them being slow. What you choose to do with those slow mobs is your choice. Menace
  11. Menace

    Hey Kris.. wanna do a favor?

    Tide Claws speed is INTENTIONAL. No exploiting there. Unless you can prove differently of course. If ya want 50% avg returns while chasing the big HoF go naked.... if ya want 65% avg returns while chasing the big HoF's then stand toe to toe and take the decay. Also... what's the point in...
  12. Menace

    Hey Kris.. wanna do a favor?

    "Exploiters"? Interesting terminology there. You're an EU veteran. Globsters been slow enough to out run since they were introduced. No exploiting there..... IMO the likely scenario is that Cyrene wants to throw some descent items in their 7k HP mobs and MA told them that in order for that to...
  13. Menace

    Hey Kris.. wanna do a favor?

    Just wondering if you could maybe spawn some Stalker Tide Claws before they get "Adjusted" speed wise with the next update? I'd love to try some before they have the speed of a gazelle! :) Menace
  14. Menace

    Active Hunters

    Heya Walfgun! I'll hunt with ya m8. I have considerably lower gear but can get around ok. Mmm... Sentinel and Imp Fap... the perfect meat shield! :P Feel free to add me in-game. Maybe we can run some higher HP stuff some time. The Alpha Tide Claws at 7k hp have GOT to ATH sooner or later! I...
  15. Menace

    The Hub Tour Guide WANTED

    Could be.... But I believe he's on vacation. So I may survive longer if I go there now. Menace