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Recent content by MIND

  1. MIND


  2. MIND

    The Imperium C.L.A.W. Mech

    :angry:i want it :D
  3. MIND

    Taming We need pet Terranixes

    mine would be called mr popo
  4. MIND

    If I was an anime, who would I be ...

    TOTORO!:angry: :dance: love also the sprited away movie
  5. MIND

    I need to buy an UL MECH soon!

    i want one too :D
  6. MIND

    what mobs to hunt?

    i would like to have some mobs to hunt from 1 hp to 200-300 hp set ups would be nice too thanks MIND:bandit:
  7. MIND


  8. MIND

    Planet Cyrene PVP Token System

    now she came in tried it and she felt that she had to depo in order to continiue the newbie quest
  9. MIND

    Planet Cyrene PVP Token System

    sorry for going off topic but when my sis tries to join cyrene her game crashes and now she cant login any help?
  10. MIND

    Counting down the days

    ^what he said
  11. MIND

    Counting down the days

    you put the lime in the coconut and drink them both up you put the lime in the coconut and drink them both up you put the lime in the coconut and drink them both up you put the lime in the coconut...
  12. MIND

    If I was an anime, who would I be ...

    rock lee from naruto... its the eyebrows that makes him me
  13. MIND

    New Player Registration is open!

    my sis will be the first newcomer cyrene gets :D
  14. MIND

    Welcome, future citizens of Planet Cyrene!

    i still want those recipes :(