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Hello and welcome to my little page :)

I am the Mining Director of Tactical Miners society, we are a small society mainly situated on Calypso, I am here to have fun and teach people about mining and clear up false "theories" on the subject, I will visit Cyrene from time to time and try to help as much as possible.

I love experiments/trying new/diff tactics all the time and thrive on making people the best they can be.

If you ever want help learning the basics of mining and maybe even make a profit, just add me on the player register!

GL & Happy HoF's!:bye: :cheer:
Jul 11, 1990 (Age: 34)
University Place, Washington
Tactical Miners
C.E.O. of Sitting On My Butt INC.



- Ashley Mini-Nova Netz (Mining Director of Tactical Miners)


  1. 5

    Keeps Coming Back

    30 messages posted. You must like it here!
  2. 2

    Somebody Likes You

    Somebody out there reacted positively to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
  3. 1

    First Message

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.