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Recent content by Minxy

  1. M

    Cyrene Citizen of the Month - July 2012

    I haven't been around much in Cyrene so far, Waiting for HUB to get some nice updates. But I love citizen of the month, Gives out some very well deserved respect and recognition to those that help make this game a better place. Good job, Agis! :clap:
  2. M

    Cyrene in 3 hours.

    Can someone please tell me what mob loot Ed was referring to in this post: http://cyreneforum.com/threads/low-activity-in-hub-atm-potential-threat.511/#post-4365
  3. M

    I suspect someone for using an autoklicker in the pk hub, which lets them fight in god mode

    I haven't tried hub PvP out yet because 1. No ones playing them and 2. I don't want to play 1v2 or 1v3 etc, Hearing people are teaming up inside them constantly. So my view on this isn't based on experience but.. I just can't imagine auto clickers to be a problem, We can click so fast without an...
  4. M

    Planet Cyrene PVP Token System

    I'm kind of thrilled hearing about this mode that puts everyone at even ground since I would imagine it would take a long time and a lot of money invested to train my skills up to an even level with the 5+ year old vets. But I'm not sure if you intended on people teaming up inside these FFA...