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Recent content by sherpa

  1. sherpa

    Selling Greater power crystal

    Bump price lowered
  2. sherpa

    Selling Greater power crystal

    New week bump
  3. sherpa

    Selling Greater power crystal

    Selling my Greater power crystal as i no longer need it to get a zorras HK asking TT+4200 ped message me in game or on forum
  4. sherpa

    Buying Lesser and weakened power crystals

    Still looking
  5. sherpa

    Buying Lesser and weakened power crystals

    Looking for your freshly looted weakened and lesser power crystal....have Peds waiting for you
  6. sherpa

    Acidic Jellyworm Area- Group Loot?

    Always like shared on special mobs
  7. sherpa

    Ozpyn LR S1X4 where to loot it?

    Thanks for the reply,guess i will try a few mang changs then, shame there is no missions for higher players to do so you can get better guns
  8. sherpa

    Ozpyn LR S1X4 where to loot it?

    Hi, as the title says any one know which mob/mission drops this gun? have searched around and the only info i can find is on entropiapedia, any help or info is much a appreciated