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Recent content by skeezer

  1. skeezer

    Humpday HUBday

    Have fun with this and sorry I can't join in :( I can never take off my (L) Lemmy Boots! :eek:
  2. skeezer

    Congratulations to our immortals

  3. skeezer

    Cyrene Citizen of the Month - August 2013

    Congratulations! :beerchug:
  4. skeezer

    Imperium Cube; Summon and Instance

  5. skeezer

    Cyrene Citizen of the Month - February 2013

    Congratulations! :thumbup:
  6. skeezer

    Bug Report Master of fitness

    You stand corrected. ;-)
  7. skeezer

    Cyrene Citizen of the Month - October 2012

    GZ Chief!:beerchug:
  8. skeezer

    Entropia wedding

    Congratulations Roni and Saradu! I'm glad that I could make it to your wedding for a little while at least and that I was there for the big moment! I wish you both all the best, Skeezer :)
  9. skeezer

    food stuffs

    Jeffe? JIAN! ;)
  10. skeezer

    Ak's Bubbles.

    Nice read, thanks. :thumbup:
  11. skeezer

    My FIRST Cyrene Discovery!

    GZ! :beerchug:
  12. skeezer

    Spear Head MK. I

    GZ to Chief and what a brave man to let Softy drive ;-) Funny videos and that thing looks like fun! ;)
  13. skeezer


    ;-) I love you all!
  14. skeezer


    I have successfully eluded the space rats and smuggled in some Beer! :beerchug: