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Recent content by slither

  1. slither

    LA tax trial after summer PPVU

    So someone who doesn't own the LA is taxing it? Sounds like a totaly fair situation lol
  2. slither

    Bug Report A.R.C. Commander (L) Armor Vendor

    I've just saw this new armour and was planning on grinding up to 1200 after halloween but at 150% I'll find something else to do. The few ped I spend on the missions won't bother cyrene too much but the 5kped a day on other mobs I'd hunt while i'm on the planet might.
  3. slither

    Bug Report June 1 Official VU Bug Thread

    I'm getting an 'mission unknown, code 13' when trying to hand in daily zorn star ore mission to leigh
  4. slither

    Mini Patch / Armor NPCs Megathread

    btw: miners could really do with something a little special :) an upgradable excavator and finder would be nice.
  5. slither

    Mini Patch / Armor NPCs Megathread

    The problem I see with the old drop rate is that it didn't matter if you killed a 80hp mob or an 800hp, the chance of a drop seemed the same and the amount in the drop seemed the same. This is why exprianced hunters were one shot killing paneleon instead of hunting bigger maturities and in the...
  6. slither

    Bug Report March 2nd 2021 VU Bug Thread

    OK, here's a mission I'd like to see: 1) Select a mob, any mob 2) Kill 500 of them (or 100 or 1000, whatever) 3) Recieve Badges This way everyone can play at a level they're happy with and receive badges for the time they spend on cyrene. If I'm going to hunt rhino anyway then there's no...
  7. slither

    Bug Report March 2nd 2021 VU Bug Thread

    I agree with this, players who spend time/ped on cyrene should have an advantage over those who just turn up when something shiny and new appears. However my total globals on cyrene excede your total overall globals on all planets and I have a third of your badges, so they're not an accurate...
  8. slither

    Bug Report March 2nd 2021 VU Bug Thread

    Yes, that's the idea. You choose either 5 small missions OR 1 single mission on bigger mobs that takes approx the same time to complete as doing the 5 small. You can't do both. I didn't realise I'd been so obscure :)
  9. slither

    Bug Report March 2nd 2021 VU Bug Thread

    Are you not listening to me? I said the mission should take a similar amount of time as the 5 smaller missions, the only difference is that I'd be shooting instead of flying.
  10. slither

    Bug Report March 2nd 2021 VU Bug Thread

    I'm not trying to exclude low level players. What I'd like is an option to do either the current 5 dailys OR 1 single daily mission to kill a number of bigger mobs so I don't waste my time and give cyrene the full benefit of having a higher level player on your planet. I don't see how it's an...
  11. slither

    Bug Report March 2nd 2021 VU Bug Thread

    I'm not asking for benefits or advantages. What I would like is to be able to hunt a single bigger mob instead of 5 small mob missions. The mission should take a similar time period so I'm not getting an advantage but cyrene gets the benefit of me pumping peds instead of flying around giving...
  12. slither

    Bug Report March 2nd 2021 VU Bug Thread

    I already had 235 badges from doing the one off missions and dailys ages back. 300 isn't too high a target for me, although I may have left the planet if it was 500 (which i guess it will be for further plates, so I might just forget about it anyway). Now i have 2 weeks of boring flying around...
  13. slither

    Bug Report March 2nd 2021 VU Bug Thread

    I think they're the one off missions, not dailys.
  14. slither

    Bug Report March 2nd 2021 VU Bug Thread

    So someone spending an hour flying around and shooting 10ped ammo is investing in the planet but someone who spends that hour pumping 1000ped into mobs isn't? makes no sense. I understand what the badge system is supposed to do, and in essence it's a great idea, but getting 1000ped/hour guys...
  15. slither

    Bug Report March 2nd 2021 VU Bug Thread

    I've had enough for the day. You entice lvl100+ players to the planet then force them to be a noob. I've put a fair amount of time into cyrene but I've spent it hunting rather than collecting things from mobs with 100hp.