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Recent content by Synchronizitat

  1. Synchronizitat

    Planet Cyrene 2023 Holiday Missions

    Cyrene has wonderful snowmen, is this just decor for a winter show, or is there an opportunity to get this snowman?
  2. Synchronizitat

    Crossover mission lis and tina not responding

    I got both plush riders. And I have both notes in my inventory. Do these notes have any other meaning, or do they just uselessly occupy two slots?
  3. Synchronizitat

    2022 Holiday Missions

    Great winter festive textures. You can also make a pattern for a Scandinavian golf-sweater or collared sweater. To texture it. It would be great.
  4. Synchronizitat

    Bug Report Summer 2022 VU & Mini Patch Official Bug Thread

    Can someone please tell me when the terminal for used saws will open? A little more time I'll be like junk man who rattles old rusty saws sticking out of his suitcase, out of all his pockets and socks.:)
  5. Synchronizitat

    Cyrene Summer 2022 VU Preview

    ...and...and...and...and a small backpack with a bone, such in red and white checkers:clap:
  6. Synchronizitat

    Backpack with a bone

    Why isn't there on Cyrene, a backpack with a bone? The kind that beetles have. Please make or gift for the holidays.
  7. Synchronizitat

    Selling Turrelion Settler Goggles (F) for Turrelion Settler Goggles (M)

    Turrelion Settler Goggles (F) for Turrelion Settler Goggles (M).
  8. Synchronizitat

    Topographic manhole.

    I put a temporary patch promptly.
  9. Synchronizitat

    Topographic manhole.

    Here it is ... the topographic blanket of the planet was worn down to holes. or sew a polka dot patch,or plant a rose bush in this place.
  10. Synchronizitat

    Bug Report Overly transparent ice sculpture.

    The sculpture is not displayed in the window and in the inventory a red cross.
  11. Synchronizitat

    Suspicious NPC

    Is he humble, social phobic and doesn't like players? lol It's like noob Mattie Ross and Rooster Cogburn chatting when she tries to hire him and he locks himself in the WC. in the Coen Brothers film True Grit.:)
  12. Synchronizitat

    Holiday 2019 Cap

    The ghost took 10 holiday magic from me oh only then gave me the hat.
  13. Synchronizitat

    Fun in the Hub

    if you get stuck alone in a hub for a month, then when other players enter the hub in a month. They will find a player similar to Ben Gunn from Treasure Island, only in a shabby green coat for tokens and asking for a piece of cheese
  14. Synchronizitat

    Fun in the Hub

    I hit the front page of the CYRENE TIMES , I'm famous:)