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  1. R

    Cyrene Mini Patch Notes - September 17th, 2024

    well, now all the mobs are gathered at the stairs, from the 51's all the way down to 15's. even found 15's on the top floor lmao. Can we get Boots of Illusion from Diablo 3, so we can at least get to the stairs ?
  2. R

    Ron Sophisicus cannot talk to

    Its the craft the Enkidd weapon mission, maybe I'll abandon it and see if i can pull it again. So, this worked, not sure why i couldnt turn the original one in but oh wells.
  3. R

    Ron Sophisicus cannot talk to

    I picked up the daily crafting mission from Ron at Arc staging, and am unable to turn it in for the past couple of days. His buddy Will, next to him, looks like he has moved a little bit, and may be preventing people from talking to Ron. Someone should tell Will about personal space :)
  4. R

    Bug Report Spears in Need of Salvaging

    Tried to do this today, still not working :(