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  1. H

    ARC Fation Badges

    Nope, you get to keep them. But just one more day and you can discover the magic for yourself :)
  2. H

    ARC Fation Badges

    No idea, but i did continue collecting badges (at 240 now) whenever I'm on cyrene :)
  3. H

    Token trader dont have weapons available.

    Well it would make sense to charge first line support costs to the planet partners, no idea if it's true or not. I do know that Kris is a lot faster in replying then any support case, so i prefer to post here :)
  4. H

    [n00b] How to get to the Hub and earn free tokens

    Ohh a story mission, i'm a sucker for that... but 550k tokens.... The coat isn't tradable is it?
  5. H

    Noob question: I am unable to move

    W A S D should always work. Maybe you managed to get yourself stuck, pressing "T" might help there. (WASD won't work if you're trying to use chat options)
  6. H

    Bug Report December 16th, 2014 Bug Report

    In the description text on the Xent tech Light amplification vine(l): the last word is amplifer, it should be amplifier.
  7. H

    Token trader dont have weapons available.

    And the award for understatement of the year goes to..... :) Seriously though, the guns aren't that good, there really should be a near unlimited amount of them in the vendors.
  8. H

    Token trader dont have weapons available.

    I think they haven't been available for two months at least, do they get restocked automatically every x days/weeks or does it get set with a PP-update? (not whining, just curious to figure out how it works, should i re-check daily or just wait till a new version comes along).
  9. H

    Wish List Improvements to A.R.C Faction dailies

    I would suggest a daily a.r.c. mission for purslane weeds. This would keep the spawn down at pict's pollen mission.
  10. H

    Mainstream ETA?

    Yes, but then again you've been out of touch with this universe for five years now, so don't let it bother you.
  11. H

    The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted

    Hehe, whoops ;)
  12. H

    The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted

    I don't know if it's been mentioned before, because pvp isn't really my cup of tea, and never really followed this thread much, but: on RT in the THING instance you can shoot oil barrels, and when they explode anything near them takes (a lot of) damage, maybe something similar to that would be...
  13. H

    Scout Bot Clean Up - Rank 3 ?

    No, no please no. It was such a pain to kill the 6k already :)
  14. H

    Bug Report December 16th, 2014 Bug Report

    if you do both the basic and the advanced mario run at the same time, only the basic one will complete, and the advanced one will not finish (not even when completing it a second time).
  15. H

    Clarification about "mob stealing"

    Lol i noticed the same with the paneleon, i guess i was there 30 mins after you. It is as i thought, and as it should be then.
  16. H

    Bug Report fix the stairs in the proving ground please!

    I think you mean the stairs that start from the ground floor and go upwards, around where the tokens spawn in that room? But you might want to add which stairs specifically you have troubles with. (Or all of them?)
  17. H

    Record your glob & Hof

    For some reason the tracker doesn't seem to work on my PC, I guess i'll give it another try later today :)
  18. H

    [30-50%] Returns this year!

    lol congratz! That should cover a lot of bad hunts :)
  19. H

    Bug Report December 16th, 2014 Bug Report

    The (maybe old since counter wasn't working) mission text on the vlanwing down mission tells me the reward is either diagnosis or Bioregenesis. But when i can hand in the mission i get to choose between Evade and Melee Combat, which is really annoying because i needed more medical skills.