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  1. M

    Chronicle TEN Helm Discovery

    With cyrene doing better now, and events coming?
  2. M

    Chronicle TEN Helm Discovery

    Oh that's exciting news Kris, nice!!!
  3. M

    Chronicle TEN Helm Discovery

    When is this going to drop on Cyrene? It is the only piece of the chronicle TEN that hasn't dropped yet. It's a shame to have an uncompleted set like this out in the entropia universe waiting for one last drop
  4. M

    TEN event - please make it happen

    bump bump bump. cyrene where you at
  5. M

    TEN edition event items missing from Cyrene?

    It could be dropped in random loot on the planet or in an event. Either so that the full set could be out in the Universe
  6. M

    What should Cyrene focus on next?

    It would be nice is Cyrene dropped the Chronicle TEN helmet so that the unique set could be completed. Dropped in random loot or in an event , either
  7. M

    TEN edition event items missing from Cyrene?

    Hi, are the TEN edition items that are missing from the EU universe eventually going to be dropped on Cyrene? Any time frame on that? I think it is the chronicle TEN set is incomplete