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  1. Dibbler

    Planet Cyrene - October 2016 Update

    Sounds like your stuck between a rock and a hard place Kris, thankyou for the explanation of why things are delayed. If people read between the lines you can see you guys are waiting on stuff you can't do as a PP, at least that's how things came over to me.
  2. Dibbler

    Official Cyrene event

    I've often thought about some kind of bar when on event spawn server, damage done by colonists vs damage done by mobs that moves back and forth. When bar is maxed then either colonists or mobs have won and consequences ensue.. such as tp lost for a month or some kind of special tt equipment at...
  3. Dibbler

    Christmas Totem

    Me and Gisela had one stolen, no biggy though is part of the game and only time i seen it happen. Just being aware it could happen is main thing, so maybe make bigger teams if someone is skulking at summoning terminal :). Did miff me at the time tho :D.
  4. Dibbler

    Planet Cyrene March 2015 VU Preview

    For people using the limited armour is better due to higher durability, for ones who were after a quick ped fleece (buy as much armour and sell after vu) not so good. I see reasons for changes, all good as far as i see (and no i don't have the armour already).
  5. Dibbler

    Turrelion Invasion By Chief

    They want our cake, hide the cakes people!
  6. Dibbler

    Entropia wedding

    May your future together be great. :) Congratulations
  7. Dibbler

    Bug Report Patch issues and bugs

    QuarterMaster Dave located at Southern Base Fortress TP Armour boot mould, wants more than 10 imperial tokens for trade. Asks for 10 :)
  8. Dibbler

    Bug Report Launch issues bugs thread

    Sorry been busy few days, do people think enough fixes been done to warrant closee this thread and start fresh one? Not had chance to check missions as am on calypso atm, but should be back cyrene few days
  9. Dibbler

    Thank You

    Aye thankyou for Cyrene, few issues/bugs but for a 1st day well done :).
  10. Dibbler

    Bug Report Launch issues bugs thread

    Nice one :) i'll add to OP with fixed/relog to fix. When you actually list issues on softlaunch, there aren't so many as i thought :D, just when getting flustered ingame seems like loads lol.
  11. Dibbler

    The HuB is rocking so hard

    Team ones would be nice, and yep i think HuB is a lotta fun :D.
  12. Dibbler

    Bug Report Launch issues bugs thread

    Lol bet that made you jump :D.
  13. Dibbler

    Planet Cyrene PVP Token System

    I guess if you skype/ingame chat and go into the hub could get interesting ;), twichers and co-op groups... will be fun i reckon :D.
  14. Dibbler

    So, what are your thoughts of Cyrene?

    Mob designs look great, Locations and design armour/weapons look good but... Quite rough around the edges concerning bugs etc, but is a soft launch and new planet so expected somewhat (unfortunately). Loot mix is Meh, lyst and oil, mob looting very basic stuff with no/little sign of cyrene...
  15. Dibbler

    Bug Report Launch issues bugs thread

    Sorry for wrong label, am kinda half working in rl ;), and ty for moving .
  16. Dibbler

    Planet Cyrene PVP Token System

    I agree that shouldn't be like this in all PvP, but for newer players is a lot more fun and better than sweating for ped. Is just a different slant on PvP, guess view it as a cyrene sport.
  17. Dibbler

    Bug Report Launch issues bugs thread

    Hi there thought i would start a thread for the devs to have known bugs etc in one place. Sorry if there is already one, but looked quickly and couldn't see one there. Bugs put forward in bold and bulleted with other reports of same listed under each issue. Missions with testing that ok have...
  18. Dibbler

    Planet Cyrene PVP Token System

    I like the idea, even playing field sounds fun ;)
  19. Dibbler

    Welcome, future citizens of Planet Cyrene!

    Hi :) I've been looking forward to Cyrene release, gl guys :).