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  1. L

    6th quarterly swunt and giveaway extravaganza (SAGE VI)

    well that was the best one so far! 11 hours from warp assembly time to the last droid that ned spawned. more people took the warp more people sold sweat but we didn't manage to finish the wave spawn dylan kept bringing us back to the abyss and spawning more lancers and mechs. shout out to all my...
  2. L

    6th quarterly swunt and giveaway extravaganza (SAGE VI)

    brought to you by cypherman cypherman cypherman, pedtoclick.com, orpheus clay blades, BIG industries, realdad realdad realdad, sinister morgoth evil, and many other generous private AUD holding avatars comes the event some of you have been waiting for on sat Aug 19th. the extravaganza starts...
  3. L

    5th quarterly swunt and giveaway extravaganza (SAGE V)

    cant call it a success until the AUD payout is impacted but still going in the right direction participation was up to 140ish this time. a few short of my projections gonna try a different game time for SAGE VI but expect to see it this aug. ty again to all my team leaders, simone, ruben and all...
  4. L

    5th quarterly swunt and giveaway extravaganza (SAGE V)

    brought to you by cypherman cypherman cypherman, pedtoclick.com, orpheus clay blades, BIG industries, and many other generous private AUD holding avatars comes the event some of you have been waiting for on sat may 20th. the extravaganza starts with free warps, then gear gets handed out...