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  1. T

    What's wrong with EL tracker and cyrene?

    I think you need 3 people running tracker to record them. I'm always running it and I noticed some of my globals are missing too. Edit : I just checked, actually none of my globals have been recorded after june 24.
  2. T

    Cyrene June 2015 VU Preview

    Great preview, thanks Kris ! The venataur looks awesome !
  3. T

    A.R.C. Inaugurates and Patrol armors

    Hello Kris, Do you have information regarding the availability of limited items in vendors ? Is there something planned to limit the number of available items per player instead of globally ? Or something else to prevent abuses ? Thank you, Tanner
  4. T


    Thank you Harmony. Anybody has information about rank 3 ? Also, is the supply for items limited per player or globally ?
  5. T


    Hello, I'm new to planet cyrene, and I was wondering some things about ARC faction badges. From what I understand, there are currently 3 ranks, at 200, 500 and 900 badges. Each rank unlocks a new NPC selling items. What are those items ? There were the Stolen Imperium Armor, unlimited, and...