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just sounds rediculous to me, lol.... gave a good laugh to me and co-workers =)
thank you for bringing me to tears with laughter =)
i can just imagine the call to the police
OP: 911, are you reporting life threatening emergency?
Player: Well, they keep killing my avatar, its not a "real...
^wow dude, are you freaking kidding me? do you realize (EU <> RL)?
I mean really? Call the police because some1 is exploiting in a video game? Have you lost touch with the real world? When is the last time you have been outside?
No doubt..... this game is turning to complete crud. 6MIL was not enough for MA, they will forever be greedy for your money until the day they close doors.
A bunch of my friends from EU(hardcore hunters/miners) have already quit, many are following... I was looking forward to depositing a...