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  1. Manny

    Feeling lost? Alone?

    You don't have to be :) There are now channels available 24/7 to ask questions and get information or tips about Cyrene. #cyrene - Not only applicable on planet but echoes all around the universe, its ideal to gather info and for chatting about the planet or anything actually ;) #cyrenetrade...
  2. Manny

    Wandering Mobs

    After this VU it seems that all mobs in the universe remembered they have feet and started using them, moving around way more than they usually did. Thing is, Cyrene mobs that already liked taking their long walks have also been amped - and the outcome is simply hilarious. Tried hunting some...
  3. Manny

    Bug Report Mission Tracker

    Not exactly a bug, but a really annoying detail that can be easily corrected. Missions on some other planet, the name of which escapes me at the moment, come in two lines. Description of the mission in one, and progress in the second. Both clearly visible in the screenshot. On Cyrene, all...