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  1. Svarog

    Enkidd Fang S.4 (L)

    My first ever discovery :) Tested and posted on Entropedia.
  2. Svarog

    Lancer v1 (L)

    A new toy! Feels and sounds mostly like a chopper, although probably a bit easier to control. Still I counted all trees around ARC HQ before found the right style :) As you can see, it's possible to go underwater, but unreal to control it there - it doesn't go forward and to surface it you...
  3. Svarog

    I had a dream...

    I had a dream today that I'm travelling from Ark to Cyrene in my quad. The journey was almost over and the huge blue and green sphere occupied all the view, I could make out mountains and rivers on its islands and anticipated to get the invitation for landing any moment when suddenly the...