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  1. Lilmc | Cyrene

    Welcome back Forums!

    Awww, Pure Byg Byrd Love is stacking up at the Sky platform. Act quick to get a chance to hunt these pretty byrds!
  2. Lilmc | Cyrene

    Update on HUB Coat

    When we first planned for the HUB Coat we wanted it to have a unique use inside the HUB. As time goes on and features get added inside Entropia Universe, we decided and with the help of feedback from player to added additional stats to the HUB only coat. The new stat will be Life Steal 1%. Q...
  3. Lilmc | Cyrene

    Official Cyrene Event Talk like a Pirate Day! (September 19th 2016)

    Hello Everyone! I'm pleased to announce Cyrene will be hosting "Talk like a pirate day!" The event will run September 9th 2016 08:00 MA Time until September 19th 2016 08:00 MA. Thanks to jason for helping for posing for a screenshot! This event is open to all Entropia players! Event...
  4. Lilmc | Cyrene

    Greetings from Official Lilmc

    Hello citizens of Cyrene! I apologize for the long delay of posting about my arrival to the Cyrene Team. While I've been getting set up, I noticed several concerns and suggestions by the community. I won't be able to address or fix every concern or issue. However, I will be able to gather...