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  1. Erza

    Why did the relocation/downgrade of the Cyrene planet happen?

    I've been watching a lot of U-tube videos about Cyrene when it was launched and all i can say is wow wow and more wow :openmouth::openmouth::openmouth: I've seen many games/planets gone by with my sons but the Cyrene planet is really the best one i've seen and way to cool not to be there so what...
  2. Erza

    My Cyrene Globals

    Here are some of my Cyrene Globals which is always nice ot have :loveshower::D Before doing the daily's of which i don't do on a daily basis i was hunting those L14 SkyShatter Bots alot and had plenty of Globals on them but not to spam the forum i post just 2 screenshots :D ...
  3. Erza

    Environment update which is nice and thanks PP

    Today when i logon i immediately saw that there are some environment changes, The grass, bushes and flowers where already on Cyrene but there are a bit more now :cool: Some more grass patcges, (now where's my lawn mower) :D Some more green bushes, (more stuff to hide in):D Some more flowers...
  4. Erza

    White flower is Project Entropia Cents?

    Hello, I was doing the daily's for badges and on my way to a TP i saw 3 pretty nice looking white flowers that i could click on and when i pick 1 up it was 1 Project Entropia Cent:confused: o_O :eek: I didn't know that we had this option in game for picking up flowers for PEC's :headscratch: So...
  5. Erza

    Daily mission for ARC badges

    Hi folks, Just want to ask how many ARC badges can one collect each day with the daily missions? I can only collect 3 badges each day and they are, 1 with sweat 1 with swamp lurkers 1 with scout bots collector xt Is this correct or are there more daily ARC badges mission somewhere else on...