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  1. J

    Synthetic Rubber actually dropping?

    OK so I was excited to see the new stage of the H.E.A.R.T fap and the mission looked doable and I was ready to pump some money in to grind away till I noticed the the whole 275 synthetic rubber requirement. Already seeing resellers wetting their panties trying to get up to 600% on this item...
  2. J

    Wish List Make Crystals A Mission Reward

    Been grinding Zyn's for so long now, many many thousands killed and no crystal drops in 8 days to anyone. Not sure if it's regular variance or a bigger macro change to drop rate behind the scenes by MA. Either case it's got me thinking... Drop rates for these Power Crystals has several times...
  3. J

    Wish List Portable Auction Houses

    There's already portable TT's and Repair Units (and they are sold and used a LOT). And I know there's many players that have been asking for a portable auction house for a long time. MA just doesn't seem to care enough to add it on their own but as a Planet Partner perhaps you're in a position...
  4. J

    Wish List Allow Anyone To Use Lazidol Lures

    Been working on the Zorra mission forever now. After getting to the stage that requires a greater crystal I got a bit discouraged back when the drop rates were broken. Happened to see someone selling some lures though and figured maybe this was a way to at least continue the progress.... but...
  5. J

    New Janus Shops To Be Sold Or...?

    Just checking out New Janus and looks pretty cool. Shops are intriguing too but one question remains... how do these shops get into the hands of players? Will they be put up for auction? If so when? Or are they all going to be given out via raffle like the other 6 booths. I'm interested in...
  6. J

    Underwater Ruins?

    I happen to be swimming along in the water when I came across some activatable ruins in the water. Activating them does a message pop up. Not sure if this is part of a mission or just some random useless thing but figured I'd see if anyone else had thoughts about it.
  7. J

    what drops weakened power crystals?

    I've looted some lesser power crystals off zyn's. I thought merfolk were supposed to drop the weakened ones but I haven't gotten one yet. Is there any info on this?