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  1. Lio Mori

    Cyrene Citizen of the Month - February 2013

    Gz Goldmoon! :bowdown:
  2. Lio Mori

    Mining, mining.... mining all day long

    Mining, mining.... mining all day long
  3. Lio Mori

    My first hunting HOF

    Gratz!! Took you 4 years, eh? I have to prepare myself for a long wait then!! :coffee:
  4. Lio Mori

    Discovery - Pilot Pistol Rank 1 (L)

    That's awesome m8!!! Gratz!!
  5. Lio Mori

    Where is The Economy?

    ♫ - You, you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one I hope some day you'll join us And the world will live as one - ♪ Sorry for the off topic :p
  6. Lio Mori

    FIXED Stuck after revive

    Thanks, I'll try that. EDIT: Hitting T didn't work, tried several times. The "spawning a vehicle" option works like a charm. :clap:
  7. Lio Mori

    FIXED Stuck after revive

    Don't know if this was reported, I'm sorry if it was. This is happen to me in Hunting Grounds (can't say if it happens in other places). Some times (more frequently lately) I get stuck after I revive there... can't move at all. If I jump, sometimes it let me move again, but most of the times I...
  8. Lio Mori

    Swunting, swunting... swunting all day long

    Swunting, swunting... swunting all day long
  9. Lio Mori

    when is the next VU due?

    n00b question: what's a VU? :headscratch:
  10. Lio Mori

    Syndicate of Fenris

    SOF Rulez! :cheer:
  11. Lio Mori


    Oh, yes... I think that I saw how that works, a few m8s from my society use it on me. Hope to see you there ;) Lets wait then :coffee: Thanks for the info.
  12. Lio Mori

    Need of Salvaging locations with parts

    Thanks ppl! This is very helpful for noobs like me :beerchug:
  13. Lio Mori


    Thank you. U'r right, I can't ask for better help. :cool:
  14. Lio Mori

    team swunting exploration initiative

    That was fun! :braa:
  15. Lio Mori

    team swunting exploration initiative

    I may join for sweating, just have in mind that I'm very new here, so... I can't take too much damage.
  16. Lio Mori


    Thank you very much for all the help in game, I really appreciate it. :bowdown: Got it, will keep sweating then. :boxer: Nice, I'll follow those guides. Thank you. Great, thank you both for the info. Yeah!! I can see that, I'm allready a member of the Syndicate of Fenris and...
  17. Lio Mori


    Hi people! I'm totally new in EU and, obviously, in Cyrene too. So far, I'm sweating, and sweating, and sweating because I'll try to play without deposit... but I dont know where can I sell those Vibrant Sweat, and how much should I ask for them. I'll apreciate any advice you can give me...
  18. Lio Mori

    Sweating, sweating... sweating all day long

    Sweating, sweating... sweating all day long