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Is there any new space crafts ? Why its so top secret to show these ?
Its only 10 days left till launch and you not showing anything.
I have in mind ingame screens.
If you need help just ask i will do free because i participated in that kind of projects.
If there will be no lotable space the ms and privateer ovners will get fiasco lol. Its cost around 3-4 peds to fly to any planet so i thing its cheaper than 20 :D
You all yelling lotable space is bad its stealing from peoples and killing game, but its prime this game engine. Width out space...
I am full time pirate, but i am very liked your reply, just for payment you wrote its not costed 200 usd dollars to take down the ship and yes we get payed to cover our omunition costs, but not get any huge income or something, we had great time and enjoyed it.
What about cyrene so no one out...
This game is not all about money. Mandy been shoot just for fun what other enjoy fight. Like you going to movie and paying money to see interesting action :)
I have 12 yrs. ingame expyrience. Been in various games such as BF3 beta tester multiple times.
Can be your beta tester here for free too. You not need to pay me. I also are the graphics designer...
Just the right player and worker ;)