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  1. P

    A.R.C. Offensive - Imperium Snow Base Event! (November 28th, 2023 - December 6th, 2023)

    Good. I enjoyed it this time. There were hiccups but overall, good event. Last time I came to Cyrene specifically for it and only got to play it partially. Well done.
  2. P

    A.R.C. Offensive - Imperium Snow Base Event! (November 28th, 2023 - December 6th, 2023)

    sooo....did they end it early without telling us....again?
  3. P

    Planet Cyrene November 28th, 2023 - VU Notes

    I played years ago and Cyrene seemed mostly neglected. It's nice to come back and see it being one of the better planets. You guys rock!
  4. P

    Bug Report Nov. 28th, 2023 Official VU Bug Thread

    I was essentially told there's nothing they could do after I uninstalled and reinstalled. So I backed up and reformatted the whole computer. Got in this morning....in typical fashion I played for 20 minutes before the servers are going down. Lol. Oh well...we will see how this update goes...
  5. P

    Bug Report Nov. 28th, 2023 Official VU Bug Thread

    I have been unable to log in since VU. contacted support via chat and they said they couldn't help either. I get error "Navigation to webpage cancelled-internet connection error" tools and launch are greyed out. I was on cyrene crafting when servers went down. Ive uninstalled...