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  1. A

    Map of Planet Cyrene

    Presuming there's a moon near to Cyrene, then there would be one hell of a tidal rip round that 'volcano'!! Adew is the First colonist to discover surfinnnnnnnn'!!!!
  2. A

    A storyline to be really involved in....?

    Thanks MS9 and Lykke - I will keep my (insert anatomy part here) crossed that my immersion becomes more complete!
  3. A

    A storyline to be really involved in....?

    Right now, I feel there is something lacking in the gameplay in Entropia - all I see is hunt mobs, mine, or craft either in a mission or not - and it's just not 'involving' enough. I don't feel 'part' of any planet in particular, I don't feel as though there is anything around to make me say...