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  1. Deadly Soul Seducer

    Official Cyrene Event Cyrene Starter Pack Event!

    Hurray! Finally after long wait received my set of prize :) thanks. Was hoping MA would give something additional to compensate the delay but its OK :P
  2. Deadly Soul Seducer

    Official Cyrene Event Cyrene Starter Pack Event!

    Well, despite of your efforts Kris, it is not working. I am sorry to point out the fact that this delay IS spoiling the reputation of Cyrene events. I really hope that prizes would be distributed sooner though we know delay is from MA side. And yeah it is legit point that if MA is able to manage...
  3. Deadly Soul Seducer

    Official Cyrene Event Cyrene Starter Pack Event!

    Well I wish they can compensate winners with some additional item for the long wait. Would be good :P