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  1. L

    Planet Cyrene - October 2016 Update

    no they lied us again :D anyway that was a last step,leaving planet today and will not step on this planet till come real fix,when promises changes to acts
  2. L

    Mining maps

    Tans tah TP island-some ignisium ore
  3. L

    Bug Report Wasp Queen FAP

    after finishing 12 stages of Tanhok epic quest line u can spawn and kill Empi Wasp Queen,she dropeed sometimes parts. With combining 6 of them u should get a new nice FAP Problem is we cant put any of that parts to refiner tried by more players tried by different refiners Fix it by VU ,or add...
  4. L

    Planet Cyrene March 2015 VU Preview

    thx Kris for update with the armor...i hope u find good solution... just one more question...it will be puny mang chang tamable? or weak rhino ...maybe some part of cYrene communnity will be satisfied drive Rhino Beetle in future:cheer:
  5. L

    Planet Cyrene March 2015 VU Preview

    well i am at 160 badges now... i am mostly at cyrene for ARC set... i dont care about L sh.. i cant have 200 badges on time so i will finish with daily and with this planet as well soon...and i know i am not alone...it was hard to get players on cyrene and really easy move to lost 60-80% of...