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  1. KingofAces

    Planet Cyrene - Upcoming Changes - August 2021

    Those Hackfins might get this miner hunting again. Great update.
  2. KingofAces

    Mining Map 2020

    http://www.mininglog.com/ 252 is the shallowest it's been found in the last 60 days.
  3. KingofAces

    Mining Map 2020

    It's hard to find, and I only found a few claims when I was mapping the entire planet. That's likely why people don't share its location. Honestly, it's easier to find rainbow crystal.
  4. KingofAces

    Buying Molten Red Crystal

    Bought what I need for orange crystal, I'll still be buying molten red in nearly any amount.
  5. KingofAces

    Official AMAA for Planet Cyrene

    I just asked about a possible update on the discord before seeing this, so this might be a better place to ask for an update: https://cyreneforum.com/threads/blue-icy-crystal.8199/ Any word on Blue Icy Crystal and if it is actually implemented in the loot pool yet (or the texture blueprint?)...
  6. KingofAces

    Buying Molten Red Crystal

    PM me in-game Tony Kingofaces Hans. Looking for around 300 TT of orange, and I'll take whatever is laying around of red molten.
  7. KingofAces

    Buying Hazy Crystal [Bought]

    I have enough orders lined up, so I won't be taking anymore after today. Thanks everyone!
  8. KingofAces

    Buying Hazy Crystal [Bought]

    Buying at 125% MU. Looking for about 300 TT worth.
  9. KingofAces

    Cyrene 2020 and beyond

    To be fair, we've already had about a year grace period since we learned the other planet partners would be doing this. It would be helpful to have a little notice to wrap up a current mission, but I don't think we need a full year like Calypso did at this point.
  10. KingofAces


    I've been scouting around the planet a bit, but has anything larger than old been confirmed yet? There are a few spots for mature or old, but that's all I've seen so far.
  11. KingofAces

    Mining Blue Icy Crystal

    More of a staff question, but I noticed the Blue Icy Crystal and the associated texture BP haven't been discovered yet when checking the turrelion BP book. Are these discoverable yet, or are they still going through the process of being put into the loot pool?