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  1. tbarmike


    I wholeheartedly recognize your unrecorded discovery. You must have SUCH dedication to have accomplished this feat. Moreover, I simply cannot imagine the sheer amount of PED you used to do this. Amazing! I know! let's ask for a new NPC called "Cry Meariver" to help us all honor and remember...
  2. tbarmike

    Mob spawn rate

    Off topic: What weapons do you play with on the test server? I see you have the buttons in the screenshot, yet I cannot identify them. On topic: As a powerfister, I can say that melee has gotten a bit more difficult. Please encourage Mindark to lessen the spawn size.
  3. tbarmike

    Harvesting Trees

    Hypothetically, would that be a CCLD? CYLD? CD? CLD2? Or would might it break from the known acronym (or abbreviation, in this case) to be something totally different? ZHU (A true acronym :) ) - Zyn'Dos Homesteader Unit or some such name.
  4. tbarmike

    Badges - do you exchange them for something

    Are the badges in any way lootable? I would assume not, but today I found myself anxiously worried. I traveled to another planet to retrieve a set of plates from storage. After landing, I realized I had forgotten to return my badges to storage and taken all of them with me. Fortunately I met no...
  5. tbarmike

    Are Devastator Sea Wraith really considered N00b mobs?

    Just an observation: Devastator Sea Wraith seem to count for the Ultimate N00b Challenge! mission. In fact all of the Sea Wraith east of Hive's Edge TP seem to count. (At least, Ravager, Devastator and Hunter do.) This took a while to figure out. There was a discrepancy in my noob mission...
  6. tbarmike

    Seeking reward information for comparison

    Indeed, you are right. Like a light bulb came the dawning realization. And here I thought I was clever :)
  7. tbarmike

    Seeking reward information for comparison

    I see a pattern. Each successive rank appears to roughly follow x5 x2 x5 x2 (x5) etc... (Initial amount, five time the previous, two times, five times, etc...) Would you expect to find a slightly higher number for the Imperium Killers Rank 4 (i.e. 165) ?
  8. tbarmike

    Refurbished S.I. HEART

    Indeed, I cannot progress past stage 4. Stage 4 (Rank II) was able to complete, but I could not begin Stage 5. I eagerly wait to see the heal interval. From my tests, decay is less for the higher ranked tool. (the difference between Rank I and Rank II is exactly 0.150 pec less) Deductive...
  9. tbarmike

    Planet Cyrene March 2015 VU Preview

    I wondered about that. I talked to the opposite gender, and now have the mission in my log book for that as well. I have no intention of trying it, as I do not want to tie up 200 ped in an account bound armor set that I cannot use in any way. However, I must admit, I am verrry curious to know...
  10. tbarmike

    Bug Report Bug report: march 2015 VU

    It seems as though some of the new weapons have a cost of about 3 pec/damage, rather than 3 dmg/pec (more or less). I looted an Ozpyn BPX - P2 (L), and looked at the stats. did some quick math in my head, and noticed that ammo was around 3 times the damage. Quite stupidly, I did not grasp that...
  11. tbarmike

    A.R.C. Challenge 5000 Tide Claw abandoned, but cannot restart

    Right on! I ran around the suggested area and talked to every NPCs there. one of of the challengers offered me the quest. No one had the yellow exclamation mark over their head, but the mission was still available. Thanks to all Good luck and have fun :)
  12. tbarmike

    A.R.C. Challenge 5000 Tide Claw abandoned, but cannot restart

    I'm not sure whether or not this should be considered a bug, but I think it is. Recently, (I don't recall the exact date) I accidentally abandoned the A.R.C Challenge - 5000 Tide Claws. (It was late, and I made a mistake there). I went in search of the challenger, but could not find any NPC...
  13. tbarmike

    Planet Cyrene March 2015 VU Preview

    Thank you very much Kris I truly hope that it can be worked out in that way (meaning the armor set can be acquired by those who have started the collection of badges). I did not come to Cyrene exclusively for the armor. I came long ago (or so it seems), and fell in love with the planet. I've...
  14. tbarmike

    new today

    Welcome Ascendo This game is indeed free to play. In regards to the voice communication services, it is not necessary. I do not have it, and have no need for it. Nor do others with whom I communicate. It has its uses for some but I cannot think of how a new player could use it. There are some...
  15. tbarmike

    Bug Report October 15th 2014 Bug Report

    - located at [138463, 81332, 689] There is a seam on the backside of the skylab which allows you to "enter" the buildings shell. There is nothing inside, but you can run "out" of the building by running through any wall (one way). From the inside, you cannot see the walls. - Located at...
  16. tbarmike

    New there - not sure what to do

    Allow me to describe a tour. From Setter Docks, head down onto the beach. Follow the beach Northward through or around the spawn of Puny Crystal Pedes(30 hp). At the north end of the spawn is a daily mission NPC From there, head north again along the beach. you will enter a spawn of junk scout...
  17. tbarmike

    New there - not sure what to do

    A great place to visit would be Setter Docks. Both on the beach and on the hill above the beach, you will find a selection of mobs that would be perfect for you. Also, Puny beach has a selection of slightly bigger things to hunt. There is also the area between A.R.C. Headquarters and Southern...
  18. tbarmike

    Wandering Mobs

    I remember when chirpies were difficult to hunt (as they would run as soon as they were hit once), but they could be sweated with no reaction. Then that was switched. Sweating was impossible unless they were chased into a corner, and hunting became a turkey shoot (chirpy shoot?) Perhaps Mob...
  19. tbarmike

    Wandering Mobs

    As a powerfister, I certainly spend much more time running in circles. I'm either running after a mob, (or running to the edge of the spawn with my own mobtrain to avoid additional aggros). Perhaps I'll change my profession to Jogger. :D
  20. tbarmike

    Impact Crater VI teleport

    I, too, would like to know where it is. as stated, Crater Base RLRL -> Impact Zone VI. I hadn't found the former, and haven't found the latter. I was actually too embarrassed to ask, as I thought I was simply missing the obvious. :secret: