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that's not accurate, example being the duster slicer every time its equipt it has the yellow chat message stating that skill is not high enough to use properly. I have also timed the amount of shots my omnicron launcher does in a sec and its not performing properly.
Actually im standing in the PG rite now and not even the free knife we get is maxed anymore? I sure hope this problem is fixed quickly as far as the red weapons are concerned , it took us a pretty large investment of time and ped to aquire these weapons.
So I decided to come and give the hub a try now that its been redone, I was very disappointed that it didn't go lootable but I like the concept of the lime green tokens not being ttable and instead saved for gear.
However I am having a huge problem that I would like cleared up for me, Why are my...
Space is lootable and pvp if you don't like it don't travel with loot, I personally like it. It isolates planets economy's making each planet different , take for instance on ark rite now crap loot used to make the viceroy armor has great mu where as that same crap loot on caly is tt food. If...
^ I love this idea! It would be so cool if we could have more RL items in the Cyrene loot pool. T-Shirts would be awesome and we could have a contest for a T-Shirt design that was they arnt fruity looking, but that would be sweet id most def sport a Cyrene T-Shirt around. And it could have the...