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Buying [Bone-out Meat] (Not Relevant)


Hello to everyone who uses the CyreneForum.

Important update:
The offer from this topic became irrelevant almost immediately after the publication. Due to the fact after the patch the quest requirements decreased significantly. It turned out I already have [Bone-out Meat] twice as much as required.

I apologize that I update this message too late, but I will have to do it, because the offers are continuing to do.

I buy any amounts of [Bone-out Meat]. If you have any, please PM me the price you want.

Brief F.A.Q.:
1. [Bone-out Meat] is looted only from Mang Changs of any maturity.
2. I need great amount of [Bone-out Meat] to get a blueprint for a new quest.
3. If I manage to get the Blueprint, then I can land it for free to everyone who helped me with the collection [Bone-out Meat]. In this case, you will save 2500 [A.R.C. Faction Badge] (and [Bone-out Meat]) that need to turn in for a blueprint.

My ingame name [Alexander Aeolus Black]. You can send offers in PM (here on the forum or ingame).
Regards, Alexander.
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