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Wish List Crafting Cyrene armor


New Member
I think something different should be done with tokens instead of going to armor molds. With the cost of them they're to expensive to buy and they take to long to craft a single piece of armor because we can only collect so much tokens a day. Not much are going to sell if we can only make 1 piece every 2 days


Active Member
I think it's a good idea to have 'inbuilt mu' for some crafted items via ingredients such as tokens, but the crafted item has to be 'worth it' for the crafter to be able to sell at mu too. At the moment it looks like the market price for the mission tokens is higher than what can be expected in the future (as is the mu of most new stuff), but it hasn't looked to me as if the armour is going to be worth crafting even at a much lower token market value. I am not an expert on armour though... so maybe someone who knows the new armour can compare it to pixie and adjusted mentoring pixie and make suggestions?


New Member
The Scout armor if byfar weaker than pixie and adj pixie it protects about 3 in only 3 areas if i remember correctly i just tted the one i had crafted


Active Member
Thanks Chrisaub - although that info is not encouraging...

There has to be something about a crafted item that makes it desirable. For armour, if it looks really great, for example, then you may even hope that it gives nothing apart from 0.5 protection on electric, so you can then either just wear it instead of other clothes without it decaying or hang plates from it to provide a bit of real defense....

Or introduce a new bonus to the 'home planet' armour - something like other soldier npcs giving you small gifts occassionally as a sign of 'friendship' if you are wearing the armour when you go past....

I'm hoping something like a mk2 version will quickly be introduced for the hard launch or something. All the economic chains must make sense to run along and be a part of.... and then people need to know about it too = information!