Master Chief
Smuggler - Hibernation
First, I would like to sorry about breaking from this but I've gathered enough things to make a list what still needs to be worked on and what not. This list has wide ranges of things from mining, crafting, hunting, loots, hub, and more! Also I would like as much input for the community if you see any bugs or odd things post it here and ill put them in my list as frequent as possible.
When hunting I've noticed alot of junk we loot is not useful, or have no markup in loots. *Will write more in suggestions section of this report*
Not much said about this but; 'Mining still sucks' Kudos to Cyrene dev team for trying to find ways to fix this but this isn't enough. We need more! *will write more in suggestions area*
Items and Graphics:
Dragonfly Helicopter (L)
*Near Perfection*
*Looks like a beast but its just a big ole Kitty*
When spawned it sometimes sinks or flips upside down causing it to take damage then explode.
Lancer v1 (L)
*Weapons Armor and Skill*
To help stop with the confusion to Non-Cyrene players maybe its a great idea to rename all hub weapons and gear, White Token rewards = White Level Stunna
Blue Token rewards = Blue Level Stunna Etc.
*Doesnt include Yellow Vendor as Yellow Homeland Turrelion is just wrong*
~Incase you don't adopt this change you will need to fix the following~
*White Vendor*
Star Dust Stunna > Star Dust Stunna X1
Turrelion Spec Firebather Version 1 > Turrelion Spec Firebather X1
*Green Vendor*
1 Star Stunna > Star Dust Stunna X2
Turrelion Spec Firebather Version 2 > Turrelion Spec Firebather X2
*Blue Vendor*
2 Star Stunna > Star Dust Stunna X3
Turrelion Spec Firebather Version 3 > Turrelion Spec Firebather X3
Gamma Sticky Launcher > 'Charlie' Sticky Launcher
*Purple Vendor*
3 Star Stunna > Star Dust Stunna X4
Turrelion Spec Firebather Version 4 > Turrelion Spec Firebather X4
*Orange Vendor*
4 Star Stunna > Star Dust Stunna X5
Turrelion Spec Firebather Version 5 > Turrelion Spec Firebather X5
*Red Vendor*
5 Star Stunna > Star Dust Stunna
Omicron Sticky Launcher > Foxtrot Sticky Launcher
Name Change
Spear Series:
*Due to high confusion of the spears and what is better I thought I would suggest name change of all Spear Series*
*Now for Spec balance that makes each of these unique, A true chain of command*
Spear Mk.I (L)

*I also got tired so i was only able to do the HUB Report atm*
When hunting I've noticed alot of junk we loot is not useful, or have no markup in loots. *Will write more in suggestions section of this report*
- Basic Bearings are dropping to much
- Not alot of the components have a real use
- I.D.A. 004 (L) Blueprint is still not dropping
- All Cyrene Weapon Blueprints is still not dropping
- All Cyrene Tailoring Blueprints is still not dropping
Not much said about this but; 'Mining still sucks' Kudos to Cyrene dev team for trying to find ways to fix this but this isn't enough. We need more! *will write more in suggestions area*
Items and Graphics:
- Hearty Zyn' Campfire seems when spawned it spawns underground which in turns is under ground and cant see it only the flames.
- Tokens: White, Green, Blue, Purple, Orange, Red, Yellow, Imperium Tokens, and Zyn Tokens all look like eggs not circular.
- Small Bird Wing still needs an Image.
Dragonfly Helicopter (L)
*Near Perfection*
- Realign Helicopter capable weapons to fit properly
- Co-Pilot still unable to shoot
*Looks like a beast but its just a big ole Kitty*
- Sounds still need to be worked on.
- Engine is weak for its appearance, increase the Hp in this beast so it can climb hills
When spawned it sometimes sinks or flips upside down causing it to take damage then explode.
Lancer v1 (L)
- When spawned it sometimes sinks or flips upside down causing it to take damage then explode.
- Still not discovered due to low amounts of medium grade supply being looted.
- To many series for all close comparable specs more down in suggestions on how to work with these.
- Alot of trees all around Cyrene have an invisible wall and needs to be worked on to match the silhouette.
- Crafting Guild - Crafter Antonio and Miner Alija both have health bars and can be scanned, also eat ammo. Can't interact with them or loot them i tried.
- Building East - South East of Center of Janus Tp seems it has an invisible wall needs to be moved back to be flushed with the building.
- Waterfall has to many particles going wild, which causes graphic lags on alot of players computers. 'Could use a reduction in particle uses'
- Waterfall Pool at bottom next to the buildings, Looks like liquid mercury could use a color change to make it look more pleasant.
- Water fountain at Center of Janus Tp and Cyrene Port needs to be realigned, 3/4 water pumps are operating fully 1 is overshooting another one is barely pumping 1 is just right.
- Janus Arena Make an area where audience can go up on the arena to watch death matches.
- Cyrene port the yellow brick wall, seems to have graphics gaps that makes u able to see through it.
*Weapons Armor and Skill*
- Rocket Launcher - All Vendor Rocket Launchers seem to have an issue of spamming 'Failed' after firing the weapon.
- Turrelion Homeland - It doesn't have a 1.0 Burn protection, Stab is 2.0 * maybe -1.0 from stab and add it to Burn?*
- Turrelion Spec Armor (TT) - It says 'Turrelion' Spec We all know Turrelions Don't Wear the Imperium Style Armor.
- Red Level Flamer - Its named 'Turrelion Spec Fire Starter' when it should be 'Turrelion Spec FireBather'
- Weapons Rack - Some of the weapons on the weapons rack are not in the correct Token Vendor area.
- Ranking Terminal - When you hover cursor over the terminal it doesn't show a name and its unclickable.
- Windows - 2 of the Windows in the Main Lobby are bugged and show a glitch yellow/orangish crosshairs
- Volume (Stalkers and Scout Bots) - Could you turn them down or have them able to fade, when they all re-loop the sounds it gets annoying.
- Yellow Token Vendor - Takes anything but yellow tokens.
- Red Token Vendor - Seems purchasing items from this vendor is broken.
- Ranking Terminal - When you hover cursor over the terminal it doesn't show a name and its unclickable.
- Holographic Wall - Center of the Arena under the tall tower there is a wall when u face it from the East you can see a small brown box, Face it from the West you don't see it.
- Ranking Terminal - When you hover cursor over the terminal it doesn't show a name and its unclickable. *You have to Right click > Operate to use it*
- Floors - There is a small gap between the floors where sometimes you get stuck in them or your whole avatar sinks in the floor.
- Ranking Terminal - When you hover cursor over the terminal it doesn't show a name and its unclickable. *You have to Right click > Operate to use it*
- HUB Transport - When you hover cursor over the terminal it doesn't show a name and its unclickable. *You have to Right click > Operate to use it*
- Entrance of Arena - Before you get prompt to pay the tokens to enter, you are in PVP Zone able to attack other avatars.
- Floors - There is a small gap between the floors where sometimes you get stuck in them or your whole avatar sinks in the floor.
- Ranking Terminal - When you hover cursor over the terminal it doesn't show a name and its unclickable. *You have to Right click > Operate to use it*
- Holographic Wall - Center of the Arena under the tall tower there is a wall when u face it from the East you can see a small brown box, Face it from the West you don't see it. *This time it has bullet holes in it*
- Ranking Terminal - When you hover cursor over the terminal it doesn't show a name and its unclickable. *You have to Right click > Operate to use it*
- Ranking Terminal - When you hover cursor over the terminal it doesn't show a name and its unclickable. *You have to Right click > Operate to use it*
- HUB Transport - When you hover cursor over the terminal it doesn't show a name and its unclickable. *You have to Right click > Operate to use it*
- Entrance of Arena - Before you get prompt to pay the tokens to enter, you are in PVP Zone able to attack other avatars.
- Floors - There is a small gap between the floors where sometimes you get stuck in them or your whole avatar sinks in the floor.
- Ranking Terminal - When you hover cursor over the terminal it doesn't show a name and its unclickable. *You have to Right click > Operate to use it*
- Floors - There is a small gap between the floors where sometimes you get stuck in them or your whole avatar sinks in the floor.
- Floors - There is a small gap between the floors where sometimes you get stuck in them or your whole avatar sinks in the floor.
- Info Bot - in the east room is half way inside a box
- Spawn - When you spawn in the West room you sometimes spawn in the tunnels where u cant escape from.
- Force Chat - No force chat option
- Auto Heal - None available in this Arena when you enter the arena.
To help stop with the confusion to Non-Cyrene players maybe its a great idea to rename all hub weapons and gear, White Token rewards = White Level Stunna
Blue Token rewards = Blue Level Stunna Etc.
*Doesnt include Yellow Vendor as Yellow Homeland Turrelion is just wrong*
~Incase you don't adopt this change you will need to fix the following~
*White Vendor*
Star Dust Stunna > Star Dust Stunna X1
Turrelion Spec Firebather Version 1 > Turrelion Spec Firebather X1
*Green Vendor*
1 Star Stunna > Star Dust Stunna X2
Turrelion Spec Firebather Version 2 > Turrelion Spec Firebather X2
*Blue Vendor*
2 Star Stunna > Star Dust Stunna X3
Turrelion Spec Firebather Version 3 > Turrelion Spec Firebather X3
Gamma Sticky Launcher > 'Charlie' Sticky Launcher
*Purple Vendor*
3 Star Stunna > Star Dust Stunna X4
Turrelion Spec Firebather Version 4 > Turrelion Spec Firebather X4
*Orange Vendor*
4 Star Stunna > Star Dust Stunna X5
Turrelion Spec Firebather Version 5 > Turrelion Spec Firebather X5
*Red Vendor*
5 Star Stunna > Star Dust Stunna
Omicron Sticky Launcher > Foxtrot Sticky Launcher
- Hunting:
- Decrease Swamplurker Hide Drops
- Decrease Swamplurker Oil Drops
- Increase Dire Weed Flaxen Drops
- Increase Pollen Drops
- Decrease the amount of items found per single global/hof
- Increase non-native items with mu into lootpool (UL Armor parts, Weapons, tools)
- Increase Different amounts of armor types being looted
- Crafting:
- Decrease Basic Bearings Drop Rate
- Stop dropping 'Bonding Liquid' if you have (L) versions available.
- Drop blueprints in every category of crafting not just the ones Cyrene use.
- Remove required ingredients (Arc Armor Molds) in level 3+ Armor.
- -1 Arc Armor Mold out of the scout armor blueprints.
- Add a blueprint for Swamplurker texture already I have alot of Swamplurker Leather itching to be crafted!
- Item Size:
- All Tokens: Change 2x2 graphical Items the current 1x1 is to small.
- Scrap Metal: Change to 2x2 graphical Items the current 1x1 is to small.
- ARC Armor Molds: Change to 2x2 graphical Items the current 1x1 is to small.
- Busted Zyn Mordican: Change to 2x2 or 3x2 as the Current 3x3 is way to big.
- Greater Claw: Change to 2x2 as the current 2x3 is way to big.
- Shed Skreel Tail: Change to 2x2 as the current 2x3 is way to big.
- Items:
- Enkidd Dismalites (L) Increase the light range by atleast x2 or x3 *DONT TURN IT INTO A LASER LEAVE IT AS A FLASHLIGHT!*
- Hawk 1K, Enkidd Dismalites, Xent Tech Light Amplification Vine, Red-Back Turn all these into (UL) Unlimited items or increase drop rate of materials and bps as at the current time this will never be used.
- Clothing:
- Turn the clothes from (L) = Limited to (UL) = Unlimited its a waste and wont be worth crafting if its (L).
- Janus:
- The gladiator Arena in Janus, Turn it into an Event area where we can host local boxing/barbaric fun!
- Shop Booths, Move them closer to a TP '2nd hand stage or Center of janus is fine'.
- Add Auction and Crafting Terminal at Cyrene Port
- Mining:
- Increase Sothorite
- Increase Blue Crystal
- Increase wileys
- Increase Nosi
- Decrease Lysterium
- Decrease Oil
- Increase the total amount of all Cyrene Ore/Enmatter deposits
- Decrease the Regen rate of the Cyrene Ore/Enmatter deposits
- Increase Ycy
- Increase Olerin
- Vehicles:
Name Change
Spear Series:
*Due to high confusion of the spears and what is better I thought I would suggest name change of all Spear Series*
- Spear Mk. I (L) > Spear MK. I (L)
- Spear v5-346 (L) > Spear MK. II (L)
- Spear vI (L) > Spear MK. III (L)
- Spear Mk. III (L) > Spear MK. IV (L)
*Now for Spec balance that makes each of these unique, A true chain of command*
Spear Mk.I (L)
- Change Fuel (Active) From .08 > .05
- Change Capacity From 45 > 25
- Change Max Weight From 121 > 55
- Change Max Speed From 46.8 > 32.4
- Change Fuel (Active) From .11 > .08
- Change Capacity From 45 > 30
- Change Max Weight From 121 > 75
- Change Max Speed From 32.4 > 43.2
- Change Fuel Active From .15 > .11
- Change Capacity From 25 > 40
- Change Max Weight From 55 > 100
- Change Fuel Active From .16 > .14
- Change Max Weight From 121 > 125
- Change Max Speed From 43.2 > 61.2
- Hub:
- Add an Auction Terminal in the Main Lobby
- Add an Rankings Terminal in the Proving Grounds
- Take out the sweat fee to go to the Proving Grounds Lobby (Transport HUB)
- Hub Transport > Proving Grounds remove the prompt message just auto transport when clicked upon.
- All Arenas with an Televator option, Remove the prompt just auto transfer up when clicked upon.
- Main Lobby with the Arena Transport, Make the Floor Flush the holes are annoying
- Add some shopping booths in the main lobby so people can sell sweat and other goodie for HUB Purpose. (I'll take 2 Please)
- Cyrene/Hub Clothes - Alot of people are shy about themselves being naked in the HUB could you make some clothes that are allowed planetside and in the hub to wear for this purpose.
- All HUB gear and weapons drop the condition limit from 50% to 3% we could use the extra 47% in killing people not worry about spawning back to repair the items.
- Rename the *Blue Weapon Vendor* From Weapon Quarter-Bot Z.X.C.V to C.H.I.E.F
*I also got tired so i was only able to do the HUB Report atm*