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Entrolympic Events 2022 special Cyrene


Active Member

These events are part of the Entrolympic Events 2022, partner of
THE Armor Shop, BIG Industries, Entropiafund, Pemphredo Island, Planet Cyrene, Playpointgames.

Thank you to everyone who supported these events.
Every service, every donation and also everyone's willingness to help is important and allows events to continue.

I sincerely invite you to look at the information about all those who have contributed to the smooth running and success of these events.

Calypso Rescue Team
Caro's Fashion Services
Gill Greed Gush
hypnotica trance blain
THE Armor Shop
Planet Cyrene

And more... (sorry if I do not add all)


Best Athletes

  • 1st Full Set Goldenweave (L) + Zyn Trophy Entrolympics + A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II (L) rewarded
  • 2nd Aeglic Ring, Modified + Full Set Silverstitch + A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II (L) rewarded
  • 3rd Aeglic Ring, Modified + A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II (L) rewarded
  • 4th A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II (L) rewarded
  • 5th A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II (L)
Sweat and Quiz: (NO Apoints rewarded in this event)

Conclusion: Opening festivities with a sweat and quiz event was really fun! Thanks to everyone who joined and participated, and congratulations to those who sold some sweat.

Questions asked:
1- What year was planet Cyrene launched ? 2012

2- How many [Mazeweaver Certificate] do you need, to get [WolperTinger Pet] ? 200

3- What do you get if you refine 4 [Bone] ? 1 [Decent Calcium Compound]

4- True or False: You can turn 10 000 [Rare Pleak Wing] into 100 Stamina Tokens to Ben Keery - Pleak Ornithologist ? True

5- What is the requirement to unlock hidden skill "Avoidance" ? Level 25 Evader, Dodger, Jammer, or Captain

6- Which of the following crystals is not from Cyrene: Orange Crystal, Purple Crystal, Turquoise Crystal, Rainbow Crystal ? Turquoise Crystal

7- In Mission Galactica, what is the name of the divine creature you have to kill in Cyrene to get the [Divine Intervention Chip] ? Divine Golem
PPG Triathlon Relay Race: (Apoints rewarded in this event)

Conclusion: Thanks to Playpointgames.com representants Mije th3Gasshi Shiro, Oskar Oskarito Dy, Ridge RB Batty for their support and entire cooperation in the Triathlon event. Thanks also Lars Mr Lars Sebra from Calypso Rescue Team for his service opening wormhole.

Congratulations to participants:

triathlon final ranking.png

Giveaway Result: Steve walkingMicrobe Jobs was picked up and won 25ped rewarded
  • 1st Team won 300ped and each member got 10 Apoints rewarded
  • 2nd Team won 150ped and each member got 9 Apoints rewarded
  • 3rd Team won 90ped and each member got 8 Apoints rewarded
  • 4th Team won 3x [Imperium Spec Lancer (L)] 7 Apoints each member rewarded
  • 5th Team 6 Apoints each member
  • 6th Team 5 Apoints each member
  • 7th Team 4 Apoints each member
PvP in the Hub: (Apoints rewarded in this event)

Conclusion: The PVP event in Cyrene Hub was a real funny moment :)

Here the history of the fight:

[System]: [LittleBerry] killed [Andrey] using a [Turrelion Spec Psy-Blade]
[System]: [Hara] killed [Alusz-Iphigenia] using a [Turrelion Spec Psy-Blade]
[System]: [The] killed [dew dewdrop] using a [Turrelion Spec Psy-Blade]
[System]: [Hara] killed [Lionel Sushi] using a [Turrelion Spec Psy-Blade]
[System]: [ermonyu ermonyu ermonyu] killed [LittleBerry] using a [Turrelion Spec Psy-Blade]
[System]: [ermonyu ermonyu ermonyu] killed [Kamnejuy] using a [Turrelion Spec Psy-Blade]
[System]: [ermonyu ermonyu ermonyu] killed [Cromius] using a [Turrelion Spec Psy-Blade]
[System]: [Viper] killed [ermonyu ermonyu ermonyu] using a [Turrelion Spec Psy-Blade]
[System]: [Hara] killed [The] using a [Turrelion Spec Psy-Blade]
[System]: [Viper] killed [Akbalox] using a [Turrelion Spec Psy-Blade]
[System]: [Viper] killed [Hara] using a [Turrelion Spec Psy-Blade]

Congratulations to Viper, who killed 3 participants and was the last man standing

here a video from participant Hara


Congratulations to all participants, here the final PvP scores:

Final score pvp hub entrolympics 2022 cyrene.jpg

Winner of the 25ped giveaway: Ildiko LittleBerry Igloi rewarded

Players with most Fight Points:
  • 1st Makeup Mask, Small (L) + 25,25ped TT mixed Reward Tokens + 10 Apoints rewarded
  • 2nd 20,25ped TT mixed Reward Tokens + 9 Apoints rewarded
  • 3rd 15,25ped TT mixed Reward Tokens + 8 Apoints rewarded
  • 4th 11,25ped TT mixed Reward Tokens + 7 Apoints rewarded
  • 5th [Cyrene Acid Armor Plate (L)] + 6 Apoints rewarded
  • 6th [Imperium Armor Plating I] + 5 Apoints rewarded
  • 7th 4 Apoints
  • 8th 3 Apoints
  • 9th 2 Apoints
  • 10th and more 1 Apoint
Fruits Finding Event: (Apoints rewarded in this event)

Conclusion: Thanks to the participants' findings, this event shows us the quantities of fruits that you can find and collect while exploring planet Cyrene. Doubts have also been eradicated regarding the possibility or not of finding Rutol on Cyrene.

Thanks to all participants and congratulations !

25ped Fruits Finding Giveaway winner: CZE usoplesk4 CZE

Players with the most Fruits Points (FP):
  • 1st Pitbull Mk. 2 (C,L) + 10 APoints
  • 2nd Pitbull Mk. 1 (C,L) + 9 APoints rewarded
  • 3rd Sleipnir Mk. 1 (C,L) + 8 APoints rewarded
  • 4th Spear MK. IV (L) + 7 Apoints rewarded
  • 5th 6 Apoints
  • 6th 5 Apoints
  • 7th 4 Apoints
  • 8th 3 Apoints
  • 9th 2 Apoints
  • 10th and more... 1 Apoint

Highest Amount of Mixed Fruits Total:
  • 1st 10ped rewarded
  • 2nd 9ped rewarded
  • 3rd 8ped rewarded
  • 4th 7ped rewarded
  • 5th 6ped rewarded
  • 6th 5ped rewarded
  • 7th 4ped rewarded
  • 8th 3ped rewarded
  • 9th 2ped rewarded
  • 10th 1ped

Highest Finding of Each Fruit variety (Bombardo, caroot, haimoros, papplon (x4))
  • 1st: 25ped Caroot, Haimoros, Papplon rewarded (75ped)
  • 2nd: 20ped Bombardo, Caroot, Haimoros, Papplon rewarded (80ped)
  • 3rd: 15ped Bombardo, Caroot, Haimoros, Papplon rewarded (60ped)
Bonus: First player to find Rutol won 25ped, congratulations to dew dewdrop drop rewarded

Miss & Mr Entrolympics 2022 Special Cyrene: (Apoints rewarded in this event)

This event is a beauty contest and was be divided into 3 parts.

Part 1: Cyrene Armors Screenshot Contest
Part 2: Parade
Conclusion: The Parade took place at New Janus Estates Teleporter, Saturday october 1st, and went really good. Thanks to all players around and @Shawna | Cyrene who honored the event by being present and spawned incredible mobs after the parade.

Here the list of participants in the part 2:

Alfa Alfa Alfa
Asteria Astie Uriel
dew dewdrop drop
Elf Elf Winters
Fate Thanatos Themis
Gradara Akasha Thukilar
Ildiko LittleBerry Igloi
La Dela Dalinha
Lovely Wandering Bella
Nirvana Niri Nori
Sophia Electra Sanders
Trinytyn Axe Moze
Violet The Snake

Akiyoshi HueLord3000 Hara Winner of 25ped random giveaway
Cromius Crommy Apocalypse
Igor aigojek Eliar
Ricardo Rick Sanchez
Timmoty Shots Farmer
Vadya Kamnejuy RuUa
Vlad Graf Tepesh
Xilrlondo Xilrlondo Aa1

Here a Video Highlights of the Part 1 & Part 2 edited with a music composed by NoBion Nob Andersen

Part 3: Polls and votes
The polls, part 3 of the event Miss & Mr Entrolympics 2022 special Cyrene:

Give your vote for the best Miss
Give your vote for the best Mister

Final Scores

Giveaway Result: Akiyoshi HueLord3000 Hara was picked up and won 25ped rewarded

  • 1st F and M will each win: Replica Ice Blue Set + Zyn Entrolympics Torch + Makeup + Imperium Spec Lancer (L) + 10 Athletic Points Rewarded
  • 2nd F and M will each win: Replica Blood Red Set + Spear MK. II (L) + 9 Apoints Rewarded
  • 3rd F and M will each win: Replica Solar Orange Set + 8 Apoints Rewarded
  • 4th F and M will each win: Zekkonian Costume Wings + 7 Apoints Rewarded
  • 5th F and M (r) will each win: Imperium Common Shirt + 6 Apoints
  • 6th F and M (r) will each win: Embossed Cyrene Shirt (L) (C,L) + 5 Apoints
  • 7th F (r) and M will each win: Embossed Cyrene Shirt (L) (C,L) + 4 Apoints
  • 8th F and M will each win: 3 Apoints
  • 9th F and M will each win: 2 Apoints
  • 10th and more...will win 1 Apoint

Best 3 with Cyrene pets:

Conclusion: The secret Task was an investigative event with some similarities to the treasure hunts 2020 and 2022 bis.

First, participants had to go to Entrolympic Events 2022 | Cyrene Secrets.

There was an image that hid part of a link to a private YouTube video:
" dEzW_yzwZVo "
Investigators had to think about it being a youtube video.
https://youtu.be/ dEzW_yzwZVo

The video had the task rules, crypted. Participants had to translate/decipher.

The secret task was: Kill the birds (4 triangles symbols of elements) and screenshot the carcasses.
Post the screenshot(s) on https://www.cyreneforum.com/threads/entrolympic-events-2022-special-cyrene.8640/

Congratulations to participants !

25ped Giveaway Winner: Ildiko LittleBerry Igloi rewarded
  • 1st 50ped + 10 Apoints La Dela Dalinha rewarded
  • 2nd 9 Apoints Ildiko LittleBerry Igloi
  • 3rd 8 Apoints Cromius Crommy Apocalypse
  • 4th 7 Apoints Igor aigojek Eliar
Every participant resolving the task received 4 attempts to scout Cyrene Map and have chance to find gifts.


C11: Ildiko LittleBerry Igloi found one of Gill Greed Gush's items near SkyLab Teleporter and won [Nusul Backpack - Christmas 2018 (F)] rewarded

D8: Igor aigojek Eliar found [Holiday Campfire - 2021] in the desert near the PvP zone, it belonged to Daki BlackKrim tomatoes who mysteriously disappeared from Entropia Universe. rewarded

E10: Ildiko LittleBerry Igloi found 2,50ped at Zyn'Tukano Borders Sweat Circle where BIG Industries SSI happens every day on Cyrene. rewarded

K2: Cromius Crommy found one of Gill Greed Gush's hats around New Janus Estates Teleporter, where the Parade Miss & Mr entrolympics 2022 special Cyrene took place and won [Reindeer Hat (F)] rewarded
Sweaty Halloween Costume Contest: (NO Apoints rewarded in this event)

Date and Time: October 31, 21h00 to 22h00 during SSI Cyrene.
Location: /wp [Planet Cyrene, 138121, 78464, 140, Waypoint]

Rules: Come sweat during SSI Cyrene and simply wear your best Halloween costume.
Players with the best and most original costumes will win prizes.

Prizes: Each player present and disguised will be able to sell 1K sweat for 2ped.

Best cotumes:
  • 1st 50ped rewarded
  • 2nd 25ped rewarded
  • 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th 20ped rewarded
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Active Member
Rewarded Places:

Aeglic Ring, Modified + A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II (L)

unestimable [Zyn Trophy Entrolympics] rewarded to best Athlete (1player)
unestimable [Zyn Entrolympics Torch] rewarded to Miss & Mr 2022 (2players)

32000 Vibrant Sweat bought for 66,50ped in Sweat n Quiz (10players)
27500 Vibrant Sweat bought for 55ped Participation Offer PPG Triathlon (11players)
700ped~[Makeups] made by living legend rewarded to Miss & Mr 2022 (2players)
400ped ~[Full Set Goldenweave (L)] rewarded to best Athlete (1player)
200ped~[Replica Ice Blue Set] rewarded to Miss & Mr 2022 (2players)
200ped~[Replica Blood Red Set] rewarded to 2nd best Miss & Mr (2players)
75ped~[Aeglic Ring, Modified] rewarded to 3rd best Athlete (1player)
65ped~[Pitbull Mk. 1 (C,L)] rewarded to 2nd best Fruits Finder (1player)
60ped~[Imperium Spec Lancer (L)] rewarded to Miss & Mr 2022 (2players)
50ped rewarded to best Halloween costume (1player)
50ped rewarded to 1st player to resolve Secret Task (1player)
50ped~[Artemic Ring, Perfected] rewarded to Best Pet Owner Miss & Mr (1player)
30ped~[Nusul Backpack - Christmas 2018 (F)] rewarded to C11 Secret Task (1player)
30ped~[Spear MK. II (L)] rewarded to 2nd best Miss & Mr (2places)
26ped~[A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II (L)] rewarded to best Athlete (1player)
26ped~[A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II (L)] rewarded to 3rd best Athlete (1player)
25ped Bounty Reward for Rutol Finding, bonus in Fruits Finding Event (1player)
25ped Giveaway Miss & Mr Entrolympics 2022 special Cyrene (1player)
25ped Giveaway Secret Task (1player)
25ped rewarded to 2nd best Halloween Costume (1player)
25ped rewarded to highest Caroot finding (1player)
25ped rewarded to highest Haimoros finding (1player)
25ped~[Artemic Ring, Modified] rewarded to 2nd Best Pet Owner Miss & Mr (1player)
20ped rewarded to 2nd highest Caroot finding (1player)
20ped rewarded to 2nd highest Haimoros finding (1player)
20ped rewarded to 2nd highest Papplon finding (1player)
20ped rewarded to 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th best Halloween costume (4players)
15ped rewarded to 3rd highest Bombardo finding (1player)
15ped~[Spear MK. IV (L)] rewarded to 4th best Fruits Finder (1player)
10ped rewarded to 1st highest amount of mixed fruits (1place)
9ped rewarded to 2nd highest amount of mixed fruits (1place)
4ped rewarded to 7th highest amount of mixed fruits (1place)
3ped rewarded to 8th highest amount of mixed fruits (1place)
2,50ped rewarded to E10 Secret Task (1player)

PPG Triathlon relay race → ~655ped rewarded to 13 players.
PVP in Hub → ~195ped rewarded to 6 players.
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